What Happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas. Except Threesomes.

You called pre. I am never ever folding 55 and probably 33 to a flop jam because I won’t put you on AA limping pre. I mean if your whole schtick is to under rep your hands and stack people this seems like a pretty ideal spot.

If people are really folding 33 and 55 in low limit live PLO to a limper on this board then poker really is dead.


lol there’s not a soul playing 1-2 who will fold a set there.

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People have folded such hands and shown in the past, so you’re wrong. They just don’t realize I semibluff some of the time.

I have to slowplay sometimes because my bluffs sometime represent slowplays finally pulling the trigger, but I sometimes also fastplay. I have an uncapped range on both my passive and aggressive lines on most boards.

Maybe in your regular game this thought process would make more sense.

In a random 1-2 game in vegas I think you are just leveling yourself.


No, I seem to make the impression on people that I am super tight no matter where I go because I do stuff like fold the blinds and button in multiway limped pots.

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The Gold Coast it really different from the Strip. It caters to a local crowd that is older and more Asian.

I just passed the stadium baccarat game and 2 out of 14 players were unmasked.

In the 1-2 NL game I play, QQ is a pretty standard fold facing a 3 bet against most people. Weak tight is normal in bad live games.

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Thinking people care about your image in a live 1/2 PLO game in Vegas is inane.


Bruce you have to be leaving huge money on the table at that level being that passive. I can’t see any strategy that would make that passive of play optimal.

I don’t even hate flatting there specifically, although i’m sure jwax and others are better than me at this. It’s just never because i’m scared someone will fold 33/55 in a single raise pot when i’m not the pfr. It’s because i think i can easily gii vs those on the turn too.

Also there is no correlation between “took 60 seconds mumbled the only hand that beats him rolled his eyes muttered about his bad luck and then called” to almost folding. It’s the equivalent of snap call but maximizing your adrenaline per raked dollar.

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that’s funny tho I dunno if it’s true

“I almost folded” is a lie just about a 100% of the times at low to mid stakes live poker imo

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In my experience slow playing at low levels is nearly always the wrong play except on very specific and rare circumstances.

People at this level, especially in PLO, want to call with every fibre of their being. They are looking for reasons to call not to fold.


For players like Bruce a large decrease in variance is worth a decrease in hourly

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That’s fair.

Slow/passive playing doesn’t necessarily means reduced variance

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There’s more thinking going on in low-stakes than people are giving credit for, but it’s very dependent. Some absolutely wont fold, this is true. Some are good players who can. But unless you’ve been sitting there long enough wth them to know who is who, the get-it-in default is absolutely fine.

Recs don’t travel to Vegas to fold sets at low stakes PLO.


This /debate

Well neither did I.