What Happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas. Except Threesomes.

Had a bit of an upset stomach, probably from the heat, and stayed in.

Ordered lunch for pickup at the Miracle Mile’s Ocean One, home I’d the $4.99 breakfast and lunch meals. Ordered two, a salad and a pasta. Wasn’t special, wasn’t horrible. I’d rather get that than a mediocre $15-20 dish elsewhere.

Made my way over to Aria. Dropped a bit over $500 at no limit in less than an hour. Lost about half my stack with two pair vs a flopped straight. Lost the rest with JJ vs AQ AIPF.

Got moved to a very limpy passive 1/2 PLO. People are rebuking for $200. We just had a preflop chop as I write this. I am currently stuck about $50 in this game and more interested in using Yelp to figure out which restaurants are open.


Went over the holiday weekend.

Saturday morning traffic from LA was already ridiculous—especially after my wife decided “we’re walking out the door by 7am” really meant “I should start packing at 8.” I wanted to just cancel the trip but my BIL returned to LA Friday evening, which left my MIL stranded if we didn’t go to be her ride home

Checked in to the Venetian then headed over to play Plo at Aria Saturday evening. It was my first time playing plo live, and I’d only played a few k penny-stakes hands online to figure out what the hell I was doing (I did read jnandez’s plo book so I felt at least mildly prepared)

After an hour on the wait list I lucked into a good and fun table. A guy visiting from Norway and a Korean local were fun to play with and talk to, and a super-friendly lady on my other side was just as friendly after dropping 800.

I ran my 200 buy-in up to about 1200 by basically potting when I made the nuts, then lost a big chunk when the Korean dude hit a gutter on me and I foolishly convinced myself he had a smaller set. Still walked out up 600 and had fun.

I was walking out to the strip via some side lane that was dark and deserted when I came across a group of about 15 young black guys (that’s wacist). They’re blocking the entire ramp and the two guys in front of me are not moving when I try to get past. I become acutely aware that I’ve got $2500 in my pocket when this 6’ 6 300lb guy in the group starts yelling “The man said EXCUSE ME!” and starts walking in front of me saying “VIP coming through” like Moses parting the Red Sea. When I got out to the strip I gave him a fist bump and a $2500 tip.

The next day, rather than return to Aria, I took my MIL to The Orleans for some limit 15-30 O8 action while she played 2-4 lhe. Miserable crowd just waiting to die, playing bingo to the river. I gave up raising to get rid of people when they kept taking two to the face on the flop and turn with no hopes for high but with runner-runner 6-4 low draws. My plan B—just make the nuts and scoop/quarter these fools—didn’t work out so well and I gave them my Aria money. Got to listen to a motormouth ex-dealer and azn lady butcher 2005 WPT anecdotes about the two greatest players of all time—Phil Ivey and Doyle BrOnson, and hear about what a world-changing genius Elon Musk is. To be fair, they were friendly.

Our plan was to leave by 5 or 6 am on Monday, which naturally meant 8:30 after my MIL announced she needed to run over to the Mirage to cash in her slot machine tickets from earlier in the week.

The ride back to LA was almost 7 hours of two women screaming every time the car 5 lengths in front of me hit his brakes, and me trying to convince them that Elon Musk was a world-changing genius, and the self-driving system he personally designed would not kill us.

Never again.


I think Mrs DUCY was in charge of booking the pool cabana for the group next weekend so I’ll try to post the receipt for you guys to lol at. Don’t think it will be $8k though, not a lot of ballers in the group

In b4 $12500 bill and Deucy saying “I have no idea what happened. All we ate were pretzle bites and lukewarm hot pockets”




Thank you, I almost highlighted the exact same passage.


I was jopking about the $2500 tip. It wasn’t more than $1500


prepared to be somehow wrong, but I’m not digging the way you seem determined to name everyone’s race when it’s not relevant

99% of the descriptors in the post weren’t relevant. Are you offended on behalf of Norwegians and ex-dealers?

Edit: Before this turns into some drama bomb, I’ll add that when I told my wife and MIL (both are black) about it, they simultaneously said “were they black?” For whatever reason half the black people in the US went to Vegas this weekend.

right, sooooo

ok, gonna see myself out


Fuck, that PLO session felt bad, even if I only lost one buy-in. Lots of calling preflop raises in position with playable hands and check-folding when I whiff. Multiple players commented on how I wasn’t playing many hands.

A few hands.

Straddled pot, folded to the SB who calls. I call in the BB with AA74r. Straddler raises. SB calls. I call.

Flop is A53r. I flop top set and a nut gunshot. Checked to UTG who bets smallish. Call. Call.

Turn is an offsuit jack. SB lead for less than half pot. I call. UTG folds.

River is a 3. I have the second nuts. Villain bets 150, which is maybe half pot. I jam for 330 effective. Villain tanks, openly asks if I play AA that way, thinks I may have quads, and finally calls with 55xx.

Another hand. Passive player limps. Somewhat aggressive guy who may be tilting pots it. I repot with AKKTss. Limper pots it with the most obvious aces ever. I told.

I got it in on the flop with the table fish where we both had the nut straight but I had the nut flush draw. I gave him the option and he chose to run it twice. I binked on the second runout to take three quarters.

My last hand was against the same fish. All in on the turn with flopped top set vs a flush draw. He hit both rivers to scoop.

I noped it out of there but all the good food was closed and I wasn’t going to eat at the Taco Bell cantina and I wasn’t walking any further, so I ate a Larabar.

Checking out the next day, I forgot a couple of credit cards in the safe and had to run back from the PH garage to my room. Luckily, the key still worked.

I’m moving over to the Gold Coast. Currently eating at Monta Ramen. I was so starved, I didn’t even take a picture before crushing my bowl.

I have to pick up my Las Vegas Advisor coupon book. One other bad beat. I went to LVA when I arrived, checked my email for the receipt, and couldn’t find it. I checked the website and it was still processing, so I headed to my hotel. Ten minutes later, I get the notice that my book is ready for pickup.



Lock the doors.

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Jam, Jam, Jam every chance you get. Why in the world are you check calling this.


He’s mentioned previously how his style of play is non GTO but works for him. I underestimated his passiveness.

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I more money in PLO underrepping my hand, plus I set up bluffs by having a balanced passive range.

I’m fucking annoying to players who just want to LAG it up. Forgot to mention the hand where I got it all-in pre three-ways with 8654ss. Chopped the side pot with a single pair on the bottom board, lost the main pot. So, it’s not like I’m a complete nit only waiting for good aces.

I mean he got it in on the second hand. Which is a much less optimal spot imo. Top set w/redraws vs. top set with no redraws. I’d be getting it in on both but I don’t get it.

Because he’s a nice guy but a super passive nit.

Straddler was a bad player who would have bet the turn with weak hands. I was going to c/r turn, but SB donked.

Without running it you are a favorite to 24xx. You may get 33 and 55 to get it in drawing dead. Random trash likely isn’t putting much real money in on the turn and beyond so I don’t really see how being passive here helps you.

I’m used to people folding 33 and 55. The way people play against me, my best chance of stacking someone is for them to make a worse boat, so I often like to play in a way that keeps their two pair hands in when I flop top set.