What Happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas. Except Threesomes.

Looks like Spirit has the best nonstop flights from Indy to Vegas. Besides the obvious nickel and diming, is it fine?

I’ve never flown them (almost exclusively Southwest for me) and have heard plenty of horror stories, but my friend likes Spirit. He says that it’s well worth paying for the extra space seats which make the flight actually enjoyable. Ymmv.

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My local friend reports no more masks inside the Wynn and presumably the other properties, FYI.

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I originally had a southwest flight but they keep moving it. Not it’s at 7 am which is not something I strive to participate in.

Edit: 6 AM… pain.

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Which Flight to Vegas Would You Choose?
  • Spirit Airlines - 11AM to 11:10AM
  • Southwest - 6AM to 7:15AM
  • Just take a layover

0 voters

I’ll always chose a 10 minute flight.


We’ve flown Spirit a bit in the past, but by the time you add in items to make the flight bearable it’s pretty much the same cost as Southwest or Alaska.

I went with option D. Changed my flight to Tuesday night and booked another night at the Cosmo. We’re going to see Absinthe on Wednesday so I didn’t want to get up at 4 am, walk around Vegas for 6 hours before check in, and be jetlagged all night for the show. My original 3 night trip to Vegas has now turned into 5. Thanks Southwest.

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Oof i can only handle like 4 days in vegas tops. I can go a lot longer if I’m not staying on the strip. I just go way too hard. I guess that’s why they call it sin city!

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We’ll probably use the first night to sleep off the jet lag and get the party started the next day. 3 hour time zone difference kind of sucks.

My first trip to Vegas was for like 60 days or something ridiculous. Stayed in a house off strip which definitely made it much easier though.

I’ve flown spirit once from Chicago to Vegas. While over Colorado we were threatened with having to land in Denver because some passengers were fighting. Thankfully they were separated and moved to different areas of the plane. Also the seats have no leg room so pay for a seat with extra room if you can.

That’s my Spirit anecdote.

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As a 6’5" person I’ve never flown Spirit and don’t plan on it so I’m picking Southwest I guess, it’s probably OK if you’re a normal sized human

I usually fly spirit when I’m not on the company dime, as them and Delta are the only direct flights out of Detroit, and Spirit is half the price. Spirit is alright if you know how to play their game, and also it’s not going to mess you up too bad if your flight is delayed by a few hours coming or going, which is rare, but happens to them at a rate significantly higher than other airlines.

Their checked bag rules are a bit stingier (40lbs vs 50 for other airlines, but I’ve been at 42/43 a couple times and the check-in attendant just ships it along, so that’s cool) and their carryon rules are insane at $100 for a full sized carryon, but you can bring a backpack on with no issues. When I was out there for work once I bought my wife one of their “first class” tickets which was really just an extra $75 for a nice seat in a 2 seat row, still a cash bar, but she said it was way worth it.

My only bad experience with them was flying home from Vegas one year. Our 6pm flight home didn’t end up taking off until 2am. It was a bit before the smart phone era but luckily our hotel had a business center and we decided to check the flight status in the afternoon, saw it was delayed until midnight, and decided to get hammered and catch a show that night. We got to the airport around 10:30 only to find out it was another couple hour delay, and most of the restaurants inside the airport were closed. It sucked, but now I just make sure my schedule is flexible enough that I can take their delays in stride if they happen, and so far so good.

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Flying Southwest for $318 round trip from Lauderdale. Four balls in two bags fly free. Don’t judge me.

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If you have the discipline, going straight to bed after arrival is an expert move.

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HAH i’m goin straight to the poker table. I didn’t spend $300 a night just to sleep!



Yeah. I only win when I first get there. And just before I leave. In between I get killed.

If you’re only spending a few days in Vegas, single digits hours of sleep for the entire trip is the expert play.