What Happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas. Except Threesomes.

Vegas was definitely booming. Everywhere you look on the Strip is people. It seemed like >50% of the slots/games in the Venetian had butts in the seat. Not so much at other places like Caesers but still tons of people walking around. 2 of the 5 people in the party don’t gamble apparently, so we ended up doing more activities.

The Sphere was pretty cool, though I thought it was lame that it’s only a 50 minute film and the first part of “the experience” is an hour of perusing the exhibits in the lobby and ordering food/beverages. We watched the Darren Aronofsky film. I would describe it as a bigger IMAX screen with better sound that also includes fans to simulate wind and aromatics to simulate the visual elements to make it more immersive.


I assume, even the very orthodox would go to my place with the certificate. Is that right?

What do they do in Israel? Does the government (like the health inspectors we have here) certify restaurants? Is it a non-governmental, Jewish organization that does it (like the example I described)? Honor system?

It’s a rabbinical society. I’ve made a handful of kosher products in my career

Very rabbi dependent. Some feels like a real thing. Others feels like “insurance”.

Had a friend that worked at a Duncan Hines cake mix factory. Rabbi would come 1/month and use an office and make long distance calls all day. No problem with status. Then a bean counter called him out. All of a sudden the plant couldn’t make Kosher.

Also as a microbiologist, the underpinnings of the rules make lots of sense. Not mixing meat and dairy is a good idea. Heating stuff is a good idea. Not eating pork (before curing/refrigeration) was a good idea.

But turning them into religious rules is a mixed bag in terms of science as practiced in modern times.

Its basically a money grab by an awful organization.

I don’t suppose you could give me some cliffs on why they’re awful.

I worked for Perfection Bakery (Aunt Millies) from 00 to 05 in Kalamazoo. I dont recall the rabbis camping out that long but we sure were nice to them and made sure everything was in order prior to their arrival.

Be clean. Be polite and accommodating. I generally got thrown a couple of odd technical requests, but they were doable so Ok.

We were doing one off stuff in a pilot plant. Not some huge food facility.

Approaching the Strip and I’m stuck in traffic for 15 minutes. I see there are cops ahead blocking us but no crash. I correctly guess it’s a motorcade. Turns out it’s Kamala. Giving voting for Trump a long think.


most rational reason to vote for Trump.

Anyone familiar with Parm?


Not with that chain, but when I was in Australia they had a lunch place that sold different types of schnitzel sandwiches which were pretty amazing. I would assume this place is at least worth a visit.

I don’t know if I’m going to be around for this.


This deal might interest some of you.


I’m going to be in Vegas around Memorial Day for about a week. Planned WSOP events are 1500 Omaha/8 and maybe Mystery Millions. I’ve got family coming in for part of it, but if anyone wants to meet up, let me know. I will probably have a second trip later in June.

Thanks. Think we are gonna’ try and do this. Would be my first time in Vegas.

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Circa is adults only, just in case you’re planning on bringing kids.

Thanks, might ditch the little bastards for once.

June 3-14.

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100% sausage