What Happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas. Except Threesomes.

Free is free. When the kids were pre teens and they did the stollen base=1 free taco each, we stood in line to save $4 or whatever.


What hubris.

This has to be costing MGM millions…. I wonder if they’ll negotiate.

I also wonder what the ask is.

It is utterly wild to me that it has come to a point where it is fine and dandy for these criminals to operate with impunity, and the general response is “fair play, you dummies should have prevented it if you didn’t want to be exploited lol”. Some people even sort of root for the villains.

We love to drone weddings why the fuck can’t we drone these scumbags?

But yah lolmgm get wrecked I sort of fall for it too tbh.

We can’t drone them because they are Russian and North Korean state actors most of the time.

One argument I have heard many times is that asking private companies to defend themselves from nation-state hackers is an impossible task and requires national defense as well as private sector efforts. In particular around critical infrastructure (which ofc MGM is not).

Yeah obv I’m butthurt because this stuff impacts me personally, but it’s just so wild that this level of insane criminality is happening in public in real-time and we just throw our hands up and say “What can we do? That’s the Russians/North Koreans/hackers in a basement for you!”

I can’t begin to comprehend the amount of resources globally that have to be wasted on trying (fruitlessly) to prevent this criminality, but shrug can’t do anything about it aww shucks.

Yeah, it’s way easier to kick the sand castle down than it is to build it and keep it maintained. If someone is trying hard enough they’ll eventually find a way. Or technology improves to do it easier. Not that we shouldn’t try to keep all the idiots from doing it of course.

Anytime I hear the argument you should’ve protected yourself, I agree, you should’ve protected yourself at this USA #1 Missile going straight into your face, it’s the thing we’re best at assholes.

MGM mobile key still not working. Great experience having a massive queue to checkin followed by a queue to drop of your bag and now a big queue to get my room key.


Does one normally make a mixed drink with $20 a shot liquor? I thought whiskey sodas were for cheap whisky?

That’s probably what they’re charging for well liquor.

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So those were the cheap drinks? Yikes!

I saw a reference to $22 for Coors Light.

I paid $62 before tip for 2 red bull vodkas at a music venue in Dallas a while back. Prices have gotten insane everywhere it seems.

Yeah people have to stop drinking at concerts. If youre in a cool state, uber to the venue, pop a gummy, and enjoy the show. Let them keep their $40 drinks.


This exactly.

Get a great and consistent buzz. Plus lol alcohol over gummies.

I’d probably still cave and get an overpriced soda or something for the pleasure of drinking something during the show.

And I will repeat that if you post footage of suspicious clouds of vape emanating from my seat.

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That ended my drinking for the night(which was a good thing). Of course there were no prices posted anywhere at this venue. I knew it was going to be ludicrous but not that price.

Eating gummies or smoking makes me want to drink more than when I’m sober. But i don’t need to slam a bunch of shots I’m fine sipping on a couple beers or seltzers.

I took ~180 mgs of edibles the last time Tool was in Vegas. I was worried I might struggle to walk out of the show but I survived. I expect to consume similar amounts this weekend at Reggae Rise Up.