What Happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas. Except Threesomes.

They could still hold it at Cesars:



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Is the old Imperial Palace still around?

It became the Quad and is now the Linq.

First time we stayed at Imperial Palace and saw people yelling across the big atrium, my buddy excitedly exclaimed, “It’s like a prison!”.

Also we saw a girl get naked directly across the way. Very exciting.

Q central for sure.
Do people remember the whole Nazi thing with the old owner?

Should I print up those custom t-shirts and crash the party?


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Just went to the bank to withdraw my savings from my Vegas fund!

Wheels up in 10 days, I’m gonna make a thread.



Best restaurant at Bellagio for an early dinner before O? Looks like no veg options at Picasso (not a deal breaker.)

Picasso is pretty awesome! Never had it, but I know they used to have a good vegetarian menu. Are you sure it’s no longer available?

The menu right now is pretty limited. I will
Give them a call tomorrow.

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My wife’s family wants to do Christmas in a Vegas instead of the usual gifts and bullshit. My mother in law was concerned if I would be okay with it…. HAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA


I’m always trying to convince my family of something like this. No luck so far. I hate presents. :grinning:


Too bad you have to leave town when your wife and MIL are together!

I do too, especially how they do it. We all get to and open one by one taking turns. It’s brutal.

We do that too. It’s torture. Plus there are no kids and we are all pretty well off so we are always struggling to find something to buy.

Experiences are much better than a generic gift. If you can hit a home run with something of high utility or sentimental value then ok.

Do they understand you will be “missing” the whole trip?

I’ll let that be a surprise. I actually think my mother in law and her fiancé are going to do a Vegas wedding while we are there which is just hilarious to me.

Man like the first thing we did when we stopped living paycheck to paycheck was mandate no gifts. I can buy anything I want for myself, thanks. Wife and I do a few gifts on our birthdays and thats it. What the fuck would I possibly buy my 48 year old sister.