What Happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas. Except Threesomes.

I’m not talking about poker. I’m talking about the secret Covid antidote that all the elites took in October 2019 that I have available for the virtually free price of $149.99.


How would I go about making a custom t-shirt that says “Ashli Deserved It”?


How about “Q is in on it, UP knows the truth”. See if you get any takers.

I’m actually being quite serious. I want to wear a shirt around a bunch of Q people expressing the idea that Ashli Babbitt deserved to die and I want to know the best way to make that shirt.


Just find a tshirt shop that’s not owned by a deplorable.

Otherwise Google hits include

I wanted to make up shirts that said

“Where’s Jerry”
“Jerry’s Watching”
“Pool boy”

And try and sell them when we went to town by Liberty U shortly after they kicked Falwell JR out. The Mrs vetoed that idea.

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I picked a good one.

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RIP NotBruceZ

I applaud the cojones, but these people are legit nutjobs and violent.

My initial inclination was to offer to pay for NBZ’s shirt if he would just agree to wear it frequently at the tables. Then I got scared I might get him killed.

Which sports books are most likely to have odds on Carribean Premier League cricket?

Can confirm it’s available in the Caesars app.



Well, looks like I’m going to be forced to remain alive. Wasn’t excited about spending $25 for a custom t-shirt, so I’m glad I waited.


In fairness, this sounds like more of a Flamingo event anyway.


It’s a clown show so circus circus seems appropriate.


It kind of crazy (in a good way) that Q is so toxic a Vegas casino won’t touch it.

I’ll be curious to see who is desperate enough to end up hosting it.

Seems like a perfect fit for a Trump branded property.

I wonder why they didn’t go with that in the first place

Speaking of which…


Maybe they can have it at Trump Taj Mahal in AC.

Oh wait….