What are you listening to

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I agree.

Have you tried listening after shooting up?


I ain’t buying heroin just for the chance to enjoy a band.

When listening to the end of “Heroin”, I’m reminded of The Simpsons where Barney and Kako start recording music together as part of The Be Sharps

This band is Skynyrd like imo. I like these guys.

Love One Horse Town

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I love blackberry smoke, they are headlining a tiny festival in this county in December and I’m super excited to see them again.

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I started listening to her when I heard about her passing and I havent listened to anything else for the week. Such a good voice and a good storyteller

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@pyatnitski yo yo yo boyee. im only 30 minutes in, but pretty cool stuff. “Are you the last old guy, or the 1st new guy?”

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Left Hand Hierarchy

Ween show I went to Saturday.

28 years ago today

First new Kendrick single in like 4 years. Dude dances like I do when I’m drunk. (Minus a few leg kicks)

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This is a fun cover.

Think Kanye got some inspiration from that.


This is like in the 90’s when bands like Tool thought it was extremely clever to add something weird in several minutes after the end of the last track. Except Kanye is putting it in at the beginning so everyone has to suffer through it. I’m a Tool fan, don’t @ me, you know that shit was dumb.

Listening to Spotify Today’s Top Hits this morning. I do this occasionally to keep up with the new stuff, but it’s been awhile so I only recognize a few in the top 15. If I’m not sold after the first chorus I skip to save time.

Curious to see how others grade these. Preferably grunch it before reading my impressions which I’ll spoiler tag in the next post. Here is my process:

First pass: Don’t bail before the first chorus (or about 1:00 if no chorus) but try to make your decision by the end of it then move on. If you like a track so much you don’t wanna skip then that’s probably good and you should hear it out. I don’t try to analyze anything in the first pass but instead try to capture raw impressions. It can be as simple as “yes / no.”

Second pass: I’ll give everything another shot and deeper listen if I think it’s worthy. What’s weird is I’ve found is that my second pass can be quite different than the first. First pass is more lizard brain and polarizing love/hate. Second pass usually tempers that a bit and I’m also able to analyze quite a bit more which I think is really difficult when you’re trying to wrap your ahead around it for the first time.

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