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One more I can’t get enough of…

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I’ll check it out. I’m definitely a softie for that kind of female voice in country music. Like in these two tunes:

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I usually don’t like spiritual songs and especially ones exploring death, but this Jamey Johnson song blows me away.

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Has it been a hard day and you need to let go? Are you also wondering what a whole album from the guy who made that archetypical piece of elevator music would sound like? Your luck just turned around! :smiley:


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Only knew this artist from her song “Find an Island.” The rest of her work is great. The beat on this song is :ok_hand:

Wow. Hell of a song. Adding it to the daily playlist :+1:


Other favorites of mine are:

Charleston Girl
I Swear (To God)
Nose On The Grindstone
Deadman’s Curve
All Your’n
Universal Sound

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TY. Always tough to know where to start with a new artist besides hitting shuffle and letting it ride.

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You should hit shuffle on Turnpike Troubadours and give a solid couple of hours of listening. They have a ton of solid tunes. Some favorites:

A Tornado Warning
The Housefire
Pay No Rent
The Bird Hunters
Down Here
Whole Damn Town
Every Girl

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Just hit it. I’ll leave it on for a couple of hours and report back.

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I went to Sun King Brewery’s anniversary the year I moved to Indy (2016) and Turnpike was the headliner for the outdoor beerfest. I had never heard of them at the time, but they put on an awesome show.

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I saw them only once, at House Of Blues in Boston. Great show. I was going to go see them in Nashville but then Felker got strung out again and the tour got canceled.

He says he’s sober again and focused on music, so maybe post pandemic I’ll get another chance.

The line that gets me the most is “Can’t swim I lost my floatie”. I don’t know why it strikes home.

Just noticed Spotify 2020 info was out. Kind of funny that my most listened to genre was rap but 4 of my top 5 artists listened to were from metalcore/screamo genres.

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