What are you listening to

Love this shit.

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“Fake” or not this works for me. Not sure if this stuff is better off in LC or here.


I can’t stop thinking about this song. It’s twenty years old, but it’s so relevant to the BLM movement and the police violence we see all around us right now. These police murders have been going on forever, but until the adoption of the cell phone camera, no one paid them any attention. These dudes rapping in a literal shooting gallery is a such great visual metaphor.

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I have some things to say about Nelly’s Midwest Swing music video, but I will need some time to collect my thoughts about it. In the meantime, enjoy:

@zarapochka, have you seen this? It rocks.


You should Walrus imo



I’m really surprised that Steely Dan has never performed this song live. Or at least I can’t find a live performance of this song by them on YT.

Also, Donald Fagen has to be the ugliest musician ever.

ETA: Aside from Shane MacGowan, that is.

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I love me a bit of the Dan. What a rhythm section!

There’s mayhem involving a loose tiger, decapitation, car crash, sex, gunfire, and general violence. Who needs words?

That said, this is my favorite from Leningrad.

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Monolingual and can fake my way through some Spanish. Russian is one I’d like to learn, but that’s probably never going to happen. Thanks for the translation!

Edit: I feel like I shouldn’t post here without a song attached.

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the only part i really understood was when she saw putin on tv and it inspired her to get her life together and become a better person.

Frick this is ill. Patriotic raps over a dope beat. It’s really unique considering.

I mean, when you think about it, what’s more American than hip hop?

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I find it sad that no one else would memorialize the sinking of the SS Magaritaville, so I will.

Here’s one that I wrote with my very close, personal friend, Woody Guthrie:

Here’s one that I wrote with my very close, personal friend, Johnny Horton:

Here’s one that I wrote with my very close, personal friend, Gordon Lightfoot:

This is the type of stuff I throw on when I need to do boring, monotonous tasks.

Stumbled onto his stuff because of the ‘Hotline Miami 2’ soundtrack which also fills the same niche for me.

[quote=“Trolly, post:1349, topic:84”]
I have some things to say about Nelly’s Midwest Swing music video, but I will need some time to collect my thoughts about it.[/quote]

Hello, I have collected my thoughts and I am back.

I’ll tell you what blows my mind about Nelly’s Midwest Swing is that he shows us shots of what the Rust Belt actually looks like. This is something I’ve never seen in any rap music video ever. Like, in the mid-90’s I grew up watching idyllic rap videos with scenes of gangstas with huge cars and girls and parties, but Midwest Swing has some guys rapping in front of bombed-out, abandoned Rust Belt properties.

PS: I know they’re all rapping in front of a green screen. Whatever.

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