What are you listening to

I saw Testament a couple different times

Once in Sacramento when I was 17 or 18, and I was dealing weed. I had this 1 chickie who was super cute who would buy from me… I asked her to come to the show, she ultimately no-showed, so we were late, and as we walked into the venue, the lights went out and they started playing…

Then a couple years later in Lawrence Kansas in a venue called The Outhouse, which was a tiny little shack in the middle of a field, I saw them. They pulled up in the tour bus with Monday Night Football on the telly

got to talk to Chuck Billy… forgot what I said, but it was prolly somethin’ like Beavis and butthead…

“How you guys doin?”

“pretty good”

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I need to listen to optimstic songs that aren’t blatantly, in-your-face optimistic. Recommendations?

I love Metallica as much as any other person with decent taste in music. But listening to a song about a war veteran getting all of his limbs blown off by a landmine and becoming a deaf-blind mute in the process is not good for me mentally even if the song is objectively awesome.

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Enya always reminds me of this

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Seal has a lot of uplifting stuff

ba dadda da da? Can I reach out to you if that feels good to me?

5:44 Goat

these guys are nothing but positive, and have an album called ‘Left of Cool.’ That should be this forum’s anthem.

The Fritz. Moar jaminthevan. This guy sings like a mofo and can dial in synth sounds at will. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdPL9hcco0Y

Discourse didn’t embed that one.

The people talking in the crowd suck. When any band is playing you should stfu and dance. Anyway, best drummer on tour right now probably.

This is much better in the fact that there is video for the whole show. Kind of old so their act is probably better now days but this shit is epic anyway:

Are you into positive hardcore at all?

For something completely different…did you know Steve Martin (!) is a bluegrass badass?

This one isn’t feel-good in the lyrics department, but my hope in the world increases when I see great people doing great things:

Molly and Billy covering Grateful Dead:

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prana, you like Snarky Puppy?

fuck yeah! This shit is epic.


that drummer is insane