What are you listening to

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So is the name Men I Trust or something.

Don’t know if I’d want to be tied to the implication if I was an artist.

literally now, applies perfectly


Just found this. Some early Jake. Should be fire

I don’t know about any of that. I do know this an absolute stone cold banger and I finally found it on youtube.

Just theorizing lol :heart:

Boy, you gotta carry that weight
You’re gonna carry that weight a long time…


We must never take these words too seriously
Words are very important but then if we take them too seriously
We destroy everything

‘Everything you did has already been done. Did your really gain from what you done done?’

now that speaks to 2020

Classic from the godfather of modern music.

Dilla giving a masterclass on the musicality of sampling.

Think my favorite Neko song is The Bleeding Heart Show. They’re good live too.

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It’s a New Pornographer’s song IIRC. She performs with them.

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Best Neko Case song is obviously I wish I was the moon.

Finally really digging into RTJ4.
On first listens, this one is the meanest. Skeptical they can top 3 but they are definitely in peak form on this one.

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