What are you listening to

Does he talk about the Dumbles?

I dig it. I’m always looking for my next favorite band, but that takes time and energy lol

some of the coolest stuff I’ve recently discovered, was a 20-second clip of a ‘progressive pop’ band covering a Beyonce song. Oh and Thank You Scientist puts a new spin on prog with horns and cool vox.(new for me anyway) New is subjective, too, cause we are all so blind to a lot of what is out there ime.

Dua is gorge. Those few seconds before and after her cowbell are nice.

I think I posted this here already, but whatever, fuck you if you don’t like it. As I recall, one of the regs on 22 was involved with the sound production, which is incredible.

They do a Taylor Swift cover too:


Lol by 22 reg do you mean famous producer Steve Albini? This is exactly the kind of thing he’d produce. I dig it.

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Empire of the Sun is something I found recently despite them being around for a decade. I know I’ve heard them before but never looked into it. And if the Call Out Rare Guitars game is still on, this one is a unicorn. If you know it without searching I’ll award a million points.

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No clue. Never had much curiosity about gear. Had my amp(Laney), guitar(Jackson) and digitech(with Vernon Reid and Alex Skolnick presets), and made do.

It’s a Starr Labs Z6S MIDI controller. Only person I ever recall using one is Stanley Jordan. Oddly enough they list Vernon Reid on their artists page.

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Stan the Man

meandering through that opening melody and the brightness of the 2 chords at :33 ahhhh

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New Nine Inch Nails out today:


Just a gloomy reminder that everything is completely rigged including this industry and that the music we’re listening to is made by artists dedicating their lives to the craft and getting patently ripped off.

n 1999, Glazier, a Congressional staff attorney, inserted, without public notice or comment, substantive language into the final markup of a “technical corrections” section of copyright legislation, classifying many music recordings as “works made for hire,” thereby stripping artists of their copyright interests and transferring those interests to their record labels.[2] Shortly afterwards, Glazier was hired as Senior Vice President of Government Relations and Legislative Counsel for the RIAA, which vigorously defended the change when it came to light.[3] The battle over the disputed provision led to the formation of the Recording Artists’ Coalition, which successfully lobbied for repeal of the change.

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the inflection absolute Goat

I’ve mentioned before I go to parties in the desert where they play electronic music. We camp out, BBQ, take psychadelics sometimes, do a bonfire, and basically have a blast. It’s a regular community of people who have been going for 27 years and of course lots of new people rotating. Been apart of the community for 10 years and met some of the best people in my life there and hang out with the in regular life when not quarentined.

Anyways for anyone who likes electronic music here is a mix from one of the DJs Dela Moon that she just released today. She’s doing lots of live mixes because of the quarantine. Usually she travels around a lot.

Some chill out music

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