asked a simple fucking question. if the genuine hippy generation can turncoat, what faith should we have in subsequent generations that do it for the fashion of it?
the nostalgia. jfc. the dead aren’t even played on the radio. You have to seek it out. Those decals though
I understand you are from Cali and I met and hung with some SF old school people at Fare Thee Well 2015. Different and much cooler crowd than Midwest hippies. Mickey Hart (and others of the group) posted climate change stuff a few days ago. Go read the comments. From deadheads who have the tinfoil wrapped tight.
My bro was into skateboarding for a spell. Good looking kid, had the hair down in his face, could’ve had any girl in our high school. Something compelled him to get into the Clash and he bought all their albums. It was a phase, he hasn’t listened to the clash in decades.