What are you listening to

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Odds that he tries to blame the left and wokeism when this sells like shit?

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The Pumpkins’ remaining baggage is less musical. While the band was never particularly political, it returns at a supercharged and divisive moment when Mr. Corgan’s associations with the right-wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, who argues that the Sandy Hook school shooting was a hoax and Sept. 11 was an inside job, are particularly loaded.

Some fans have wondered if the singer supports President Trump — a subject that makes Mr. Corgan testy.
“I’m a free-market libertarian capitalist,” he said, adding that he had not voted since 1992, when he cast a ballot for Bill Clinton. “I’m not anti-anything except establishment. I find institutions and systems suspicious.”

Still, he referred obliquely to the “culture war,” “fake news,” “globalists,” “Maoists,” “purity tests,” “left-leaning groupthink,” “protected minority groups,” “mass hypnosis,” “social justice warriors” and other terms used in some conservative circles to dismiss leftist identity politics. And he defied any opportunity to coddle conflicted fans.

I didn’t realize he was a regular guest on Infowars. Yuck.

oh yeah, he’s a freak and really weird dude.

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I always played the Matrix soundtrack when reaching the FT in a tourny on PS.

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What a name

What’s a Claude?

Ive come to the realization that i cant read two or more books at the same time. Ive seen people say they can easily do that but i much prefet to be entrenched in the ora of the book than just pixk up where i left off to see what happened. Im going to finish the last 30% of salems lot and then finish the gunslinger.

Lol supposed to go in the reading thread


Listening to a lot of Chopin piano pieces. Helps me drown out the outside world when I’m writing.