What are you listening to

After all the hooeyou been through.

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Chicago could be Goat

nope. Bowie is Goat

little junior, he’s all in a rage. did you notice he was comin’ of age??!

Okay…since someone (I won’t mention any names like @lol_lmao ) brought up Scientology on another thread I suppose I can confess something here. Seems cheaper to do it here than to join an actual church and pay a tithe and such. Back when I was young and stupid I played in a band. Or at least that’s what I’m told. I don’t really remember school, so I just have to go by hearsay. But what I do know is that the Church of Scientology had a location just west of campus. So some of my bandmates and I wrote an ode to L. Ron Hubbard to the tune of this chestnut:

Some sample lyrics:
I went in on a Monday and my heart stood still,
Somebody told me that his name was L

The chorus went like this:
Yeah, Scientology’s cool,
I saw it on the way school,
Yeah, Scientology’s cool,
Da L Ron Ron Ron Da L Ron Ron.

If she gives me a sword and a lake, will I mistake it?

If she hands me my head on a plate, how will I take it if I’m scared?

It’s a happy song. Forward, never straight. Concentrate, relate.

@Trolly sup lol

love that scene in the movie, lmao Page off the plane and swerves into the limo


lol alternative

Townshend Goat 1b)

fiddle about with the jetsam in your brain.

Was on my first concert yesterday with almost 40 years. Since most of the bands I like dont perform anymore its hard to find an interesting gig. The Boss delivered. Great energy. Probably one of the last chances to see him near me as he is also 70+ years old and his last tournee was in 2017 or so.