What are you listening to

have some hair

don’t you get it?!

At the Santana show in Detroit. Santana just passed out / had a heart attack mid song. Fucking scary.


Anyone ever heard of this band? I stumbled onto this on Youtube and am really liking it, but it seems like the band didn’t exist for long, can’t find much on them.

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New the 1975 out this week.

This has major legs. The production quality on the studio work is great, but I like the live renditions equally well. Pretty different feels for both.

The keys slash sax player (!) dropping down for a big pedal board tweak out at the end is wild.

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Exaggerate it.

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Good album

With cats

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This is some kooky stuff. Probably right up @microbet’s alley.


Cross posting this cuz, yeah, self explanatory. Dre wishes he produced this album.