
Last week I revived the POG werewolf tools about a day before they announced they were moving, making the work worthless. I’m open to moving the vote counter and turbo mod here. If that’s of interest, I suspect an API key would make things easier. Or maybe y’all allergic to werewolves. Let me know.


As someone who did not participate in werewolf there or anywhere online but who has become very interested in the game due to recent circumstances, I for one would like to see it as I am sure those who regularly play would, but I don’t want to speak for them.

My hope is to participate at some point in the future.

Me too, used to play years ago on a different offshoot from 2p2 but now seems a good time

I think @anon46587892 was working on something for this game too.

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API keys can certainly be made available. They’re already being used for Trumpbot and AOCbot. I’m assuming if you know to ask about that you already know most of the site is available as JSON.

Holy shit! Its other 2+2 forum legend Chips Ahoy!

Whats up buddy? Hows the world?

Hello ChipsAhoy. Is this your first time looking around or have you been lurking?

I am the meanest mod in these parts and just want to give you fair warning before I temp ban you for fake claiming seer D1.

Where do you stand on claiming insane riddle train on D1?

If that is a Q for me, I have no idea what that means :eyes:

This, would quite like to play.

Its one of my favorite Werewolf memories. We were playing a Dark Tower mash and I attempted to play as Blaine the Mono, trying to add some spice since I was just a vanilla villager.

It didnt go well.

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There were a few games in Politics years ago that I played and enjoyed. Then one time I signed up for an actual POG game (RJ’s X-Files), and I got a wolf power roll. Then I got sick and had a fever and the poggers pogged it up with 600 posts an hour and I was like, uh yeah, I quit.

However, I am very proud of the fact that I managed to not post anywhere else for like 48 hours to give my replacement good cover and they went pretty deep.

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Wowwwwwww. That sounds like a fun game!

That is a deep cut to pretend to be Blaine the Mono. Sick move. I consider the ending of Dark Tower III with Blaine to be the best cliffhanger I’ve ever read.

That’s a reasonable vote counter. It helps people play. The next most useful feature is locking the thread at night. This is a power the game mod needs.

POG had a full bot for turbo games. It randomized the roles, sent PMs, created the thread, posted vote counts, locked the thread at night, posted results, replied to PMs, and announced the winner. Having a moderator available at all hours was popular.

I’d play. Why not, right?

Especially since it took 6 years for an ending.

One of the stories in On Writing was about an old woman who wrote to King dying of cancer between books 3 and 4 and begging him to tell her the ending of the saga, and him having to tell her he didn’t know because it hadn’t been written yet and he honestly didn’t know the ending. He said it really hammered home to him the responsibility that he has as a writer (a lesson young George RR Martin obviously hasn’t learned.)

And yeah, Blaine is obviously such a great overall character. I started out introducing riddles in all caps, then switched to a John Wayne drawl and then everyone decided I had to be a wolf and killed me.

My other favorite WW memory was the entirety of the RISK game. The end game was pure insanity.

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…young?! Thought you’d slip that by me :P

I remember that part of On Writing. Damn, haven’t read that in ages. That’s so true about the writing process. I literally teach people how to outline stories, but when it comes time for me to write something, I can’t promise any ending until I get there.

I guess him finishing the series is the one good thing that came from him getting hit by the van. He blazed through the remaining volumes when he realized how easily he could have died without finishing them.

I missed books one through four on the first run but was caught up and salivating waiting for book five. I made a point of catching up when he said he was committed to finishing them ASAP. There’s a very unique kind of pleasure from partaking in an episodic story as it’s released. I set aside whole days to grab each new volume off the shelf and read it until finished in the nearest chair.

Would you be interested in another werewolf game with that theme? Either running or playing? That would be an amazing game either one.

This is an ability that can be given to an account on a per-category basis, and would presumably be scriptable as well.