We got him

“under thin pretexts”

TwitterFilez shoulda stuck to raping Russian teenagers. Would have been an improvement over his career arc.


It was already known he will be turning himself in next week. This statement by DeSantis was nothing more than a cowardly attempt to win brownie points with the base

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I’m waiting for Ron’s statement indicating he will serve any prison term Trump receives.


I chuckled



Former President Donald Trump will not accept a plea deal in the indictment brought by a Manhattan grand jury but does plan to file “substantial legal challenges” to the indictment, his attorney Joe Tacopina said.

“President Trump will not take a plea deal in this case. It’s not gonna happen,” Tacopina said in an interview with NBC News on Friday.

“I don’t know if it’s gonna make it to trial because we have substantial legal challenges that we have to … front before we get to that point,” Tacopina said when asked if he expects to take the case to trial.


Trump will “absolutely” voluntarily surrender to Manhattan law enforcement, the defense attorney said, adding the former president is “not going to hole up in Mar-a-Lago.”

:crossed_fingers: please hole up in maralago. please please please :pray:




This puts Hunter Biden in play as our future leader!

And if there is one thing we can be absolutely sure of it is that if Trump says he is going to do something, then he is definitely going to do it.

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This here is a perfect example of how people fall for Trump’s blather and he gets them to ascribe way more power to him than he has

What’s the alternative? Hole up in MAL and never enter a blue state again? Great way to run a presidential campaign and get anyone who’s not a MAGA sycophant on your side. Oh, and he’ll be eventually arrested anyway

There are many alternatives. One of them is just not next week.

Such as?

Why do you think he’s such a super hero? Here are his alternatives:
1). He turns himself in next week as scheduled
2). He becomes the first president in history to have a warrant out for his arrest

I already told you one.

“See here’s the thing, my Secret Service guys tell me that one week isn’t quite enough to get all the security details straight. I’ll be there in a few weeks. Cross my heart and hope to die.”

“Ok, fine, whatever you say Donnie”

He can probably string that out for a long time.

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I don’t think they putting a warrant out or going into Mar a lago to get him so he could do that but I also don’t think he will fuck around here, he will go turn himself in, make a speech, ask for money etc

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I fully get that Trump derangement syndrome is a real thing and clearly some of you have it real bad

There is no scenario where Bragg let’s him string that out for any length of time. If he can get to Waco for a rally, he can get his ass to NY for arraignment

Also, this. The post arraignment grift will be too good to pass up

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Some of us have been aware of Trump since he was all over The National Enquirer in the late 70’s/early 80’s. Call if TDS if you want, but I’ll aggressively correct anyone who claims he’s a genius, good at business, decent, etc. He was a POS then and he’s a POS now and anyone who says different is a fucking rube.


With the exception of the hardcore MAGA cultists (whose numbers were already declining every day), people are celebrating this news because they understand that this is the beginning of the end. Maybe not of “Trumpism” (whatever that means) but certainly of Trump himself. Everybody knows he’s done all the crimes he’s accused of (and more), even if they pretend to deny it. Even some of his most ardent supporters are just going through the motions, ready to abandon ship as soon as it’s safe to do so.

Normal people have been waiting for years for the Trump train to derail and now it finally has. Criminal liability is no joke! Even most Republicans secretly want to move on and find leaders who are less controversial, less divisive. Ultimately everybody knows Trump is a huge asshole and sooner or later he would have his comeuppance. That time is now, and this is just the beginning.

Look at the stock market today, it’s way up! The smart money knows this is a major turning point for the country and a first step toward getting back to a pre-Trump sense of normalcy and stability. I know it’s early but maybe Alvin Bragg 2024?


I moved the Tabbibi stuff to the Greenwald and friends thread as it seemed to be getting only tangentially related to Trump and more a discussion to Tabbibi/etc.


The posts telling me to shut the fuck up and go away don’t really belong in either thread.