We got him

Since they can’t blame trans people, looks like they’re going to go back to the anti-Semitism chapter in the Republican playbook.


I still think the people outraged and motivated by this were already voting for him and have been fairly loyal since 2016. I think the craziness of the last eight years has really strengthened the loyalty of his base as a whole. They all think he is persecuted anyway. I am curious what would have happened if this had been announced pre-6/1 (1/6 for the americans). Think it helps then.

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That’s some Godfather II shit. Well played imo.

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This would be an epic headline if only they used the right spelling.

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The pooper of record

I moved on her like a bitch; excited to be indicted.

Thank you kayne. Very cool

Jimmy Fallon , Donald Trump and The Pointer Sisters come together.

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I voted neutral as well. Trumps odds for the R nom and the general on PredictIt are essentially unchanged since yesterday - with 18 months to go there are going to be 500+ more events - such as whether we can avoid the recession that everyone says is coming - that will be more impactful on the election than this indictment.

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47 posts were merged into an existing topic: Glenn Greenwald and Friends: Fearless Adversarial Fox News Contributors

This is the most bizarre take. It’s as if the last 8 years hasn’t happened!

Republicans don’t care at all about economics anymore. You are stuck in the 90s.

They exist solely for the culture fights and their base cares only about anti-woke shit. They could not care less about traditional GOP things like deficits, the military or small government.

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Yeah but you forget that a ton of voters think in the simplest terms possible, it’s just “things are worse for me than four years ago! Obviously party A is doing a bad job, better vote for party B” and/or “I want to punish party A by switching, that’ll show em”. There’s not exactly a deep dive into the philosophies of each party going on here.

SE Cupp just had a pretty good sound bite on CNN that I expect will show up on Twitter


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messiah talk

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There’s a lot more paperwork involved in paying hush money to mistresses than I realized.




There’s gotta be a see you next Tuesday joke here somewhere.

You are correct. We have two separate wagers for $100 each. The first, was any indictment state or federal and more recently, we bet $100 on a federal indictment only

As for payment, please make a $100 donation to any Democratic candidate of your choice who is in a close race for a seat in the 2024 election. I don’t care who as long as they lean progressive and have a legit shot at winning. If you can’t think of one, I’ll research and give one to you (or maybe the forum can decide?). Just post a pic of the receipt here and tag me
