We got him

I agree with most of this, but there is still a very real chance he could win another election. We cannot ever again let our guard down to that possibility

You’re aware of who you’re replying to, right?


Don’t know how many times he can go to the Secret Service well, but it looks like it’s already worked at least once…

"The Manhattan district attorney’s office asked for Donald Trump to surrender on Friday following a grand jury’s vote to indict the former president.

But lawyers for Trump rebuffed the request saying that the Secret Service, which provides security detail for the former president, needed more time to prepare."

“Trump is expected to surrender to the Manhattan D.A.’s office, but Tacopina said that no precise date had been set for it. Ultimately the Secret Service will have to coordinate the conditions of the surrender with court officials and the New York Police Department.”

Is this guy OK?


“I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little summer children…”

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Unburying the Past (more bickering)

I’m not. I know they get mentioned a lot in response to my posts tho lol

LOL I thought because you posted a picture that it was a fake tweet. Nope. 100% real.


Old news. They can hold off a few days, but it will never be an indefinite timetable

I wish the Secret Service would release a statement basically just saying “We can drop him off whenever, this isn’t us holding things up”.


Secret Service is largely pro-Trump. Not saying they won’t turn him over eventually, but they’re not going to be super quick about it.

Do you know what that gimmick account is a reference to?

Nope. I’m not even sure what a gimmick account is exactly tbh

Okay I just Googled it. Someone who is naive? Still don’t get it



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This is the constant refrain in derpyland. They’re still incensed about the Floyd protests

A gimmick account is when a poster creates a second account where they post under a different persona, usually for humorous effect. Some gimmick accounts pretend to be a famous person or character. This particular account is a GoT reference and tends to post parodies of opinions the user believes are overly idealistic and optimistic.

Okay got it. Thanks. It’s funny that I’m the one accused of trolling when I feel I’m the one who usually gets trolled

From here on out, I’m going to suppress the urge to respond to all the outrage addicts with their preposterous takes and defeatist comments. They’ve already shown they’re not very good at this

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Do you still get the Secret Service in prison? Are they going to have a rotation of agents guarding him?

Home confinement is a realistic and pragmatic option.

He won’t get home confinement, he’ll maintain his campaign schedule. Him running is almost as good as a conviction anyway.

Law & Order rebooted just in time, they’re gonna get a whole season out of this.