We got him




I’m not crying, you’re crying.


I am still amazed he can make statements like this and 50 million people believe him.

He Was Lying! We Got Him!

Oh wow “a source told yahoo news” did they? Obvious fake news is obvious!

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I’m curious if anyone here thinks there might be some truth to the possibility that the DoJ now has a far stronger case (at least insofar as proving intent) than had they swept in as soon as he was caught “red handed”. They likely never get this far down in the weeds as to be able to pierce attorney client privileges, let Trump hang himself even more, or interview all these witnesses (or even know who all were potential witnesses)

Or is that all just a bunch of bullshit?


It is this

Just stop man come on

They could have indicted him the day of the raid but they didn’t because they aren’t

Don’t fall for Miller report part two

We have such a different assessment of what’s actually going on and how this man’s life is about to change that I don’t know what else to say other than continuing to offer you guys wagers

The OG Mueller report is plenty for the DoJ to go after “Individual 1” if they wanted to.

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He’s about to be deposed. I think we can all sleep well tonight knowing that justice is being served.


Sounds good. Let’s make a bet on Donald Trump receiving a guilty verdict by jury in any jurisdiction in the US. Propose some terms and let’s make something happen.

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The only condition I have is that death or illness can’t prevent verdict. Throw me a figure

ohhh nice back door :+1:t3:

An unlikely suicide should count as an admission of guilt.

Death is easy to grade. “Illness” however is not. I also don’t see how illness prevents a verdict. It could only delay it if it is mid-trial. And I don’t put it past his lawyers to claim at some point that he is to old and weak to stand trial, because they argue all kinds of dumb shit.

So, $1K no guilty verdict by a jury within a year, I win. If a jury returns a guilty verdict, then you win. Death within one year = no action, no one pays. What do you think?

Oh they’ll be action all right.



Not from me. I want him alive long enough to prevent Ronnie from contesting the general. After that, sure.