We got him

I’m sure we can reach agreeable terms, but I feel like you just moved the goal posts a bit. My main point has always been that this isn’t the joke many here act like it is and that Donald Trump is in real trouble. I maintain he will face serious charges from the DoJ and Fulton County, while many here laugh and scoff at such notion. You blew right past that to betting on guilty verdicts. We can do that too if you’ll concede the fact that Garland and Willis aren’t fucking around and that he’s likely to face charges

A 1 year timeline might be problematic for me, since I honestly have no idea how long a well litigated jury trial takes. And he hasn’t even been indicted yet on the more serious charges. Let me do a little research and get back to you on that

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He already faced his toughest challenge. That one time he was arraigned. That’s the high water mark here.

A couple weeks for DoJ to arrest Pentagon leaker and three years no charges for Trump for mishandling classified material.

Imagine thinking the DoJ isn’t in on it.

@Melkerson It appears a 1 year deadline is unreasonable, since it can take that long after an indictment just to set a trial date

I honestly don’t see why a deadline for conviction is necessary when the main take I’m combatting is that our justice system is too weak, corrupt, or incompetent to bring serious charges against him. And what I’m saying is that his crimes are so grave and obvious that they’ll have no choice but to do so. I’m also willing to go one better and say that he will eventually be convicted of crimes. So what exactly, are you saying that you need a deadline? The only reason I’m asking for a death and illness clause is because he’s old, out of shape, and in mental decline

Let’s work something out. Maybe others can help come up with something fair?

It’s been 7 years since he first took office and started breaking the law at will.

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*Trump dies in 2027

Cactus: his crimes were so great they would have had no choice but to bring charges against him by 2030. Trust me guys

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We can definitely have a 2-3 year deadline. I’m just not sure you can indict, set up a trial, and convict someone with unlimited legal resources within a year. I mean, I could be totally wrong. I just don’t know how trials work

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Sure 3 years is fine.

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nit: he started breaking the law at will way before 7 years ago.


Trump receives a guilty verdict by jury no later than midnight of 4/14/2026 in any jurisdiction within the United States. Death, illness or any non legal justice affiliated event preventing such a verdict is a push. +100 for $1.000.00

@ me if acceptable and consider it booked

Also willing to accept action on either DoJ and Fulton county bringing charges at even money. Either or, I would want an overlay. Will do individual charges as prop bets as well as guilty verdicts. If anyone is seriously interested I will come up with lines for each. DM or @ me

How about this.

Trump receives a guilty verdict by jury in any jurisdiction within the United States AND it is enforced. I.e. stay on appeal doesnt count. If it isnt enforced because he avoids New York or whatever it diesnt count. The bet is about consequences

Every year. You pay me $20 if it has NOT happened. Payment due first of Jan.

When it does happen. I pay you $100.

Death ends the bet.

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If Trump were to fall out of a window, that would be bad news for… Joe Biden. And great news for DeSantis; he could claim the deep state did him in while vowing to pick up the mantle of the martyred MAGA prophet.



Interesting prop! So there’s no time limit. I pay you $20 every January until a guilty verdict is upheld at which time you’ll pay me $100? If so, booked.

I’m well aware that I’m sure to lose $20 and probably $40, but still feel it’s +EV. Definitely an interesting prop tho and I’m willing to do more of these. However, it’s rather long term and don’t think I’d be comfortable going larger with this type of bet without an escrow

@ or DM me if this one is booked. Thanks




Yeah. Thought it was a fun way. Only works for small amounts.


Rugby’s going to be the only one in the world hoping 102 year old Donald Trump keeps living.


lmao this is amazing.

a 3 year future and some degenerate version of a Bobby Bonilla perpetuity contract. I love it.


I didn’t want to say before i did the bet, but I entered his details into a life expectancy calculator…

Sure. Hes fat. But hes rich, white, college educated, working, exercising, doesn’t drink or smoke.


Don’t forget the Evil intangible. Motherfucker is gonna live forever.