We got him

Expecting Trump to test his theory about shooting a man? Volunteering to be shot?

Ratings bonanza.

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lol still dont get why didnā€™t he get charged for the GA voting stuff?

GA hasnā€™t decided to charge him.


Itā€™s because heā€™s above the law.

not a federal issue?

Is the GA thing as much of a slam dunk as people seem to think it is? I feel like he could just be like ā€œI was obviously just being a goofball, like ā€˜hey buddy cantcha find me a few thousand votes? Haha wink wink.ā€™ I mean what do you think Iā€™m stupid enough to ask for election fraud? You know how I like to joke around.ā€ And that would be more than enough to convince multiple jurors.

Not exactly OJ in a Bronco


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Iā€™ve always thought the obvious defense would be that he just meant that GA needed to recount to ā€œfindā€ him votes that were miscounted or missed entirely, not to ā€œfindā€ him votes in a cheating way.

But itā€™s more like find me the exact number I of votes I need or be prosecuted.

I think thereā€™s plausible deniability that he just believed he was cheated and thought that an honest recount would find the votes he needed.

Heā€™s like a mob boss who can order a hit without explicitly ordering a hit, using coded language that isnā€™t 100% obvious to a naive individual. It might take an explicit rather than implied threat to get a conviction.

He was pretty explicit though. He also sent goons to apply the same pressure.

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Suggesting the possibility of a criminal investigation might be defensible if he legitimately believed a crime was being committed.

The lawyers say thatā€™s not a good legal defense if he ā€œknew or should have knownā€ otherwise. Multiple people had advised him there was no evidence of fraud.

Place your bets now.



LOL I completely forgot Mueller 2.0 is a thing

I donā€™t know if itā€™s a slam dunk or not, but the fact that the case is still in limbo after this long is whatā€™s weird to me. I have a hard time believing thereā€™s some deep conspiracy here that requires 1000s of man hours of lawyers going through records and conducting interviews trying to build a case. Crimes were committed out in the open 2 years ago, either charge him or donā€™t. But either way it seems like it should be a pretty fast process.

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Muslims dancing in the streets in New Jersey?

Make him perp walk down a ramp.
