We got him

If he wants to dress up Hannibal Lecter style, who am I to object?




Now, do The Creation of Adam with Hitler and Trump.

It’s kind of funny his lawyers oppose cameras in the courtroom. Can he not assume a tough guy persona the whole time?

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…can you build an escalator over night?


They should compromise with cameras in the court but Trump gets to pick his entrance music


this mindless aberration Trump


So basically this is just free press for 2024. Very cool and legal.



I guess it really was a perfect phone call.

Would it be wrong to pretend to doxx the DA or judge but actually give them Tucker Carlson’s home address?

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That’s a very good albeit pretty tough question to answer. You’ll never get me to say our justice system works on any level. It doesn’t. It’s broken. It’s corrupted. And I hold out very little hope that it will work as intended now

Aside from never holding the powerfully affluent (and mostly white) people accountable, I think this is also a product of the failure to hold past presidents accountable. Nixon should’ve went to jail. Reagan probably should have. Bush and Obama were never indicted for their role in heinous war crimes and the untold deaths of innocent civilians. Now all of a sudden, we find our moral compasses and demand justice for Trump? Well, the one glaring difference is that his crimes were against his own country and people. The problem is, a good chunk of the electorate doesn’t see it that way. Call it gullibility or just plain stupid, but they don’t realize he’s a charlatan and still think he’s trying to help and even save the country. I don’t understand how so many people can fail to see the man for who and what he really is, but if we take a step back and look at it objectively, we can at least understand why we’re in the situation we’re in right now

And it’s not just aboutTrump. There are sitting members of congress that I strongly suspect are criminally involved in J6 and are guilty of seditious conspiracy. They ALL need to be got! Every last one of them. It is my hope that much of the reason for the insufferable length of these investigations is because they are meticulously and painstakingly working every last lead to bring justice to as many as possible who were involved

That circles me back to your question. That’s what’s needed for me to say the justice system worked as well as it can under its broken circumstances. Anything that results in Trump and the aforementioned members of congress never holding office again. That’s a pretty tall order, I know

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Just take the documents case. It was known for a while that he took documents he shouldn’t have, then lied about having them, lied about having returned them all, got a lawyer to submit false information, and generally gave everyone the runaround. That’s a seemingly slam dunk case that should be quick, right? Just nail him on obvious obstruction. But had they pounced right away like we all thought they should, they never would’ve gotten to the point where they are now turning his own fucking attorneys into witnesses! Think about that… A JUDGE rejected attorney/client privilege claims and they are now able to question them! That’s pretty goddamn unprecedented

I may eat these words, but proving intent is an incredibly hard to do in a court of law. I think it’s possible that Smith is stitching together a case so tight that even a jury full of grandpa Fox News watches have to choice but to say in the end, “Well, yeah if you’re gonna put it that way, he did the thing”



Edwards ended up being found not guilty on one charge while the other two charges ended in a mistrial. He was not tried again on those charges.


Your honor, when I said Tony the Tooth should sleep with the fishes, I merely meant for my friends to take him to a spa where minnows clean his feet, bringing him to a point of relaxation where he might take a nice nap, cool off, and agree to have a substantive discussion about business


Currently watching some “LiveNOW from FOX”, their legal guy just said something along the lines of “Well I have a T-shirt that says ‘You have the right to remain silent, but do you have the ability?’. And Donald Trump doesn’t have the ability to remain silent.” :grin:


What is this route they are taking?

Maybe they go via Dallas. :eyes: