We got him

Smoking gun

He’s on tape bribing the Ukraine president AND election interference in Georgia AND has admitted to obstruction of justice in live interviews multiple times regarding different investigations.

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I actually don’t believe that’s enough to convict him.

The truth is. Nothing will be enough to convict him of anything.

I mean, I don’t think that is enough for the standard of “beyond a reasonable doubt”. I mean, if I were on the jury, I’d vote to convict because I’m a partisan Democrat, but if I were being honest, maybe I wouldn’t.

I think that particular joke was more related to the numerous scandals and revelations that Trump was an awful human being (locker room talk, teen pageant dressing room for two examples) rather than legal troubles, but there definitely were also legal troubles swirling at that time (I think there was speculation he was running for president partially for some immunity or whatever), so point taken.

People around here were still hyped up on Russia/Avenatti/emoluments stuff after the election. It was the Mueller report that broke us I think.

This is really stupid. It’s like saying it’s ok to shoot someone in the head cause they have chronic heart disease.

Nah, I’m saying don’t blame the Big Mac at lunch for the heart attack today, blame the many, many Big Macs eaten prior to today. Trump is a symptom of our problems, not the cause.

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Other people said it already but ya I hope Cactus is right. I still don’t think he is in the grand scheme of things. I doubt there will be a trial much less a conviction on this or anything else. I’d love to be wrong about that.

I personally would rather see the end of all existence rather than me ever be wrong about anything.


those are excellent KPIs


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i get your point about reagan, but more people in his administration went to jail than the number from the nixon administration. iran-contra in general is talked about as if the investigators did what they needed to do.

The only thing I can see a conviction possibly changing is just that people are able to ignore more of the hellscape due to feeling like there’s some kind of system functioning for their benefit

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The phone call to Georgia is open and shut. It doesn’t matter if you think he believed that he actually won. Many people told him he lost. He either knew or should have known. It’s on tape!

Embarrassing for the cocksure blowhard politics veterans getting owned by a 25 year old they’ve been ridiculing for years.

Never mind.

And they actually just used it as proof they were right to ridicule him, and so they continue to ridicule him! And act like he’s the rude one who needs an etiquette lesson!

Lol CNN setting up shop on the 5th Ave sidewalk

Y’all know how this ends, right?


You are one of the most condescending posters here.

Just curious why the arbitrary stance?

as i’m watching his plane circle la guardia coming in to land, i found myself wondering what would realistically happen if someone should a surface to air missile and blew it up on live tv…