We got him

That would explain the Supertramp thing at least, I thought he was just being intentionally obtuse.



He literally admitted this on Hannity like 2 days ago


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Looking forward to Mueller report redux followed by statement from Garland that heā€™s using prosecutorial discretion not to charge even though he thinks there is evidence of a crime

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Garland is a cancer on democracy.

The GA indictment will drop followed by one, maybe two, from the DoJ and Donnyā€™s run of fun will be over. But no doubt itā€™s more gratifying to keep saying nothing will ever happen because you got maybe another couple of months of being right if youā€™re lucky


Dude nothing has happened. Indicted on finance charges.

Wake me up if he ever shows up for trial in a court of law

Anything short of that is just more commadus hand wave gif

This isnā€™t shifting goal posts. I didnā€™t think he would be indicted. I am glad to be wrong on that.

But until he actually surrenders and actually shows up and is in a trial - him being indicted doesnā€™t matter

Hypothetically. If this is the high point of the we got him wave. Itā€™s another nothing burger.

Im very skeptical that trump will ever be in court for his own trial. I hope you are right.

Cactus reaching his highest posting achievement on this just further confirms we are living in a simulation.



Cactus being right, just proves heā€™s stupid and youā€™re smart! Good job everyone

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Really not sure and itā€™s not important to me. I donā€™t respect age unless youā€™re like 90 haha

Your engagements with everyone afaik are honest and civil even when you disagree. There are others I respect such as Riverman who I have to assume hates my posting as much as anyone, yet he scrolls right by without a word. Presumably thatā€™s because he feels itā€™s not worth his time, but thatā€™s much more admirable than petty lols or insults

I come here to be informed and for honest debate. I have an open mind and it can be changed. Itā€™s frustrating when you try and use facts and logic for a particular stance and someone chimes in out of the blue with some petty personal diss because theyā€™re too lazy to formulate a rebuttal on the topic. Rest assured there will be a few to this post because they recognize who they are lol

Thatā€™s enough of a derail. Back to the indictment watch because there will be more!

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We hope youā€™re right, obviously, but after 7 years of this shit we are just completely out of gas. We watched the guy do all the tax fraud (literally dozens of obvious counts in the leaked tax returns), blackmail Zelensky, stage a violent coup attempt, attempt to conspire to overturn election results in GA, take government secrets to his house and lie about returning them, and Iā€™m sure a million other things Iā€™m forgetting.

Like sure, yeah, whatever, maybe he gets got but I donā€™t even know what that means at this point. Heā€™s clearly going to be allowed to run for president again and make it all stop if he wins. Heā€™s quite obviously never going to jail.


What do you consider the minimum consequences for Trump needed for you to say the justice system worked?

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IMO if lawyers collect at least $50 million in fees and public officials get to make at least 1,000 sanctimonious speeches then the system will have done itā€™s job.


Iā€™ve been more patient because I donā€™t think that what heā€™s done in public and on social media is enough to convict him of anything, although thereā€™s easily enough there so strongly suspect him of criminality and to basically assume that heā€™s a criminal. This was always going to be a slow process without a smoking gun. Iā€™m not at all certain that he gets convicted if this actually goes to trial and the prosecution does a good job.

The people constantly predicting imminent indictments were fools who wanted their faith in the system validated, but the people predicting zero indictments wanted their lack of faith in the system validated. There was always a greater than zero and less than one hundred percent chance that heā€™d be indicted. It would have been much closer to zero if Trump had good representation and obeyed their advice on how to behave.

I think this is wrong. There may be some people like that, but the vast majority of people that are frustrated by the systemā€™s inability to punish Trump desperately want to be proven wrong. Life isnā€™t just arguments on the internet, lots of people want real justice not just Internet Points.


I and so many others who come off as nihilistic about trump indictments now were all in on Mueller, Stormy Daniels (remember her scammy lawyer? that guy was great!), emoluments, etc back in 2017. It became a running joke that nothing would ever stick no matter how clear cut.

Now, with indictments looming, it still seems more joke than serious. We needed the legal system to react back when Trump was doing heinous shit. Not now. We needed it to clip his wings before the Zelensky extortion even happened. Since the 2020 election happened, it all feels moot now, and more comical that his crimes apparently seem to be catching up with him. The system has already failed.

Also, Cactus, you really gotta work on your victory lap taking skills.


Thatā€™s exactly right. This conduct occurred 7 years ago. Itā€™s been fully normalized.

Put another way, they managed to put Michael Cohen in jail for this exact series of events like 5 years ago. They put tons of people in jail for the Russia shit and obviously also for the insurrection. But weā€™re just now getting around to the first indictment for the guy obviously responsible for all of it? And for the least harmful / offensive of his many criminal behaviors? Come on.

This sort of thing was normalized when Ford pardoned Nixon. If not then, it was when Reagan got away with Iran-Contra. Trump isnā€™t the guy who broke the system.


It was a running joke long before that. This tweet is 6.5 years old:
