We got him

I laughed at “Cankles.”

Yeah I voted that it won’t affect him at all, but there are a small number of voters out there who are like “wait they charged Trump with doing crimes? Well I can’t vote for someone like that!”.

I’m reminded of that woman who showed up to vote for Buttigieg in the Iowa caucuses and then was like “wait, he’s GAY???”. How low-info most voters are cannot be overstated.

Much larger number of people who are like “they charged a President with doing crimes? I know who I’m voting for now”

And Trump voters who were less likely to vote in 24 but are now re-energized

The most common “info” the low-info voters have, is that libs are scheming commies wrongfully arresting white people while letting Black rapists go free

And then they showed me a world where I could be so dependable, oh clinical, oh intellectual, cynical.


I don’t like to come in here and brag, but the truth is I’ve never been indicted. Not once. I guess it’s possible that there is a sealed indictment, but I doubt it. I very seldom pay hush money to porn stars.




I mean every single president possibly ever but certainly in the last 50 years has been at least a mass murderer by any reasonable definition of the term. You don’t need to stretch to weird motorcade accidents or whatever. Signing off on illegal monstrously evil things is 9/10ths of the job. It’s that plus pardoning a turkey once a year.


That is NOT acting accordingly and shows what shit posters these people really are, resorting to silly insults due to past grievances and disagreements, instead of basing their retorts on actual substance or content. They were unable to do this in the gun and covid threads as well

I could be wrong, but I picture the average user here to be in their mid thirties and the level of immaturity that is acceptable on these forums is shocking to me


Case in point

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You’re not reading the room here very well and reversing what was a trend of ppl giving you respect. .

I don’t think you understood that post. It’s a Supertramp reference.

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What’s a supertramp?


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Which posters here do you think are under 40?



Better question, is there any posters here under 30? Like, a single one?

I think Cactus is ~25.