Walrus grab bag - signup thread

Any tips to starting Walrus? Do you write notes while listening or just listen to the whole list first?

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Your category was close for me so I went with the song I thought would troll you a lot harder.

Listen to 5 seconds, make snap judgement, write some BS.

You’ll notice in my category I only have to listen to the last minute or so.


Suggest a spreadsheet with a column for notes and listen to each at least 3 times updating the notes as you go. This is where I really made my walrus mark by submitting 20 minute tracks. ymmv

Then in my case a glance at the wiki page to make sure that noise really is coming from the instrument ˆ claimed, and not a guitar box.

ˆ term used in its loosest sense, judging by one poster’s notes about his submission

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I’m a bit high and gonna listen to a random one of your submissions, which will probably mean I’ll love it.

Boy. That was the wrong choice.


Ouch. Well, luckily my submission is excellent, so I know it wasn’t that.

Someone submitted Seasons In The Sun to you, didn’t they? (I was tempted to troll you with it).

No it’s not necessarily a bad song, just not a good choice while high. Will re-evaluate when sober.

You’re listening to songs about loss while high? Brave man.

One very underrated aspect of Walrus judging is to get into the appropriate listening environment for maximum results.

At a minimum I’d suggest listening while in the tub, with some sort of seafood within arms reach for snacking.

In pre-covid times I would have suggested replicating the feeling of being squeezed amongst large blubbery masses by heading to a local sauna, being sure to bellow loudly as you squeeze your way between occupants.

Very well put.

I will have to listen to each 6 times as i have to explain to people not only why their musical taste is clearly wrong, but they also have a terrible sense of humor.


Gonna give you a little more info on how I do it…

I add all the songs into a Spotify playlist. This is because it makes it easy for me to drag and drop them into ranking and update rankings on subsequent listens.

After running through the list a few times I’ll be getting a better feel for roughly where things sit for me. Then I will just open up notepad on my computer and list all the tracks out and jot a few notes during subsequent listens, updating rankings as I go.

I was going to do all that, but based on your previous advice I just played some songs and yelled “not funny” in a bad British accent after 5 seconds of each.


Stand up is usually very hit and miss for me, but I really enjoyed that clip. Also recognized the voice and a quick google confirmed my suspicions that he is one of the voice actors in Big Mouth.

John Mulaney is one of the best.

In other news, I was just posting to suggest a spotify playlist because I thought of it last night before I fell asleep, but it seems even my genius idea pony is slower than seities


Pen and paper for me, old skool. 3 listens so far.

What’s the general feeling about 1-2 word reveals? E.g ‘dogshit’, ‘lolno’ etc?
(I jest of course. Everyone bought something to the table in my category).

Can’t wait for Yuv’s reveal. Gonna be lit.

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Yeah I’ve now realized I completely balls’d up my entry for Yuv. I have a bunch of other entries I could have submitted that would have been a better category fit. Maybe he’ll find humour in my failure and that will be enough to get me off the bottom.

Sorry you didn’t like my selection

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