Walrus Grab Bag 6 - Sign Up and Categories

and then seen it multi-quoted with his reaction to finishing dead-last


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Entries Sent! Get after it!


Reminder: Songs for seities category go to me

Not gonna lie, I forgot about this and won’t be able to submit anything until next week likely. Do we have a submit by date?

End of day Friday Dec 17th, but it usually gets extended.


Yup I only have one completed submission so far, so it looks like this will need to be extended. Let’s extend to end of day Wednesday 22nd.

Please do remember to make some time before then and communicate here or to me via a DM if you think you might need an extra few days.

I’ll have it in this weekend.

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i forgot about this. i also forgot which songs i wanted to send when i remembered this.

Ill get mine in this weekend.

I’m in.


Just a reminder that we’re doing the Joker thing again. So put “JOKER” next to the song in your list that you think will earn the most points. This will give it 1.5 times the points earned based on placement.



Alright Im in

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Forgot to submit!

Got most of them selected at least.

Just want to confirm. @Pauwl gets the submission for @seities category, right?


I’ll try to get mine in tomorrow. Someone @ me if I forget. I’m back at the parents house for Christmas.

I will get mine in this evening. I have a long zoom meeting to sit through and i will do my submissions while that’s going on.

I should have these in today or tomorrow. I hate you all for the categories you chose.


Pretty sure this is my least contentious category of all time

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