Walrus Grab Bag 6 - Sign Up and Categories

Oh your category was easy.

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My category is too easy. Iā€™d like to change it to a song about yearning from a band with a dulcimer and a lead singer who likes to perform barefoot.

And no drums except bongos.


@eyebooger am I understanding your category correctly that the submission has to technically fit another personā€™s category but not their musical tastes?

Itā€™s okay if it fits their tastes. Doesnā€™t matter to me. Iā€™m judging based on how much I like it. All I ask is that you donā€™t submit the same song to both people.

Hopefully thatā€™s clear?

Yes, I was more asking to make sure if it was ok if it didnā€™t fit the original categories musical tastes at all.

Your category is already the one I probably hate the most :joy:

Just looking for any artists whose names fit together at this point.

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@yuv I found my submission for your category by listening to suggested music for my musical tastes until I found one I liked and hadnā€™t heard before. I put zero thought into your musical tastes on this, so hopefully itā€™s a success!

@superuberbob seriously what the hell is this category? Guitarless rock band? How about acoustic EDM?



@seities rap or edm category is my last stumper because I donā€™t listen to much rap and the edm I listen to is likely the opposite of your tastes in EDM. Hmm

My journey was very similar. Its hard to know where to start looking for a song youve never heard before

There will be a ā€œRevenge of the comedy songsā€ category some day. Mark my words

Have mine all submitted to seities. Havenā€™t submitted seities to pauwl yet. I am weirdly stumped on this one.

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I was pretty sure I had seen you submit EDM previously so im sure its just a matter of broadening my scope a bit. If it helps I just really dont get into the whole ā€œchill sessionsā€ type stuff.

Even things adjacent to say Nero - Etude, Darude - Sandstorm. Going more old school Utah Saints - Something Good is a banger. Theyā€™re popular songs of course but Iā€™m sure you know of something that isnā€™t as commonly known.

Does that help?

seities likes radical techno from the 90ā€™s and Melt Banana. His category entries pick themselves.

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I like songs that melt my proverbial banana with the sheer heat of their awesomeness.

I think Iā€™ve been thrown off because it seems like you donā€™t like lyrics in your EDM and all the EDM I like has lyrics.

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Youā€™re over thinking it. Lyrics are fine. Itā€™s about how the music makes you feel.


Thatā€™s the whole point. Just start with one artist with multiple words and thereā€™s usually another that goes on the end.

I didnt find any songs for any category other than suzzerr. gonna do my best but not feeling it right now

My walruses have been walrused! Come on Yuv, you can do this!

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