Walrus Grab Bag 6 - Sign Up and Categories

Spotify says my audio aura is silly and angsty.

I like fun shit I can dance to or hard shit I can rock to. I generally shy away from rap/r&b/country, but if you look at my old Walruses, some of my top spots have been from those categories. Im partial to the 80s and 90s over more current music, but again, new stuff vibes with me from time to time.

My top genres in 2021 were Comedy, comic, show tunes, alternative metal, and punk. And my top artists were Ninja Sex Party, KDA, Garfunkle and Oates, Bad Religion, and Sevendust.

Hope that helps

Have we confirmed that a rock band that doesnā€™t employ a guitarist exsits?

Google suggests they do.

33 Rock Bands Without Guitars | Articles @ Ultimate-Guitar.Com

I count electronic rock as rock music. Note: Bass guitar is allowed.

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My question for @superuberbob is what about bands who didnā€™t start with guitars (like, their first albums didnā€™t have them) then added them later as they evolved, or vice versa?

He just asked for a rock song without an electric/acoustic guitar. Why are we complicating this?

ā€œ1. The band must not have a guitarist employed as a memberā€

I would say if the wikipedia color code thing for when members were in the band shows no guitarist when the song you picked came out, then youā€™re in the clear.

Or just do what Yuv said and yolo it. Technicality research for walrus is aggravating.

My bad. Can we just use my definition @superuberbob? A guitar-less rock song sounds easier than googling band members definitions


Fuck it. Iā€™m going with my first thought, which is a song by a band who have reinvented themselves several times, including a guitarless period. Maybe Iā€™ll submit a live version, just to prove it.

When I was on vacation in Mexico at the start of the pandemic, there was a karaoke night. This group of like 20 American Christians (matching shirts) were dominating the karaoke singing shit like ā€œLet It Beā€ and torch songs. Then this middle aged British guy went up and sang ā€œDear Godā€ by XTC and then sat back down all proud. I thought it was great!

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Are these different?

They overlap

Aka ā€œa list of terrible bandsā€ :sunglasses:

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So do I


Smrk4 had a category similar to this in the previous grab bag which I donā€™t think you played in. I won it with this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBXGUyDnXXo

I feel like this does well with you?

Gonna tank this category for the lolz

Well Iā€™m not gonna TELL you

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Oh man.

I just hit a song on my spotify list that is a sure winner for this category


Iā€™ve heard that line before from youā€¦

haha, I should have been more clear - I have no intention of submitting the same song again.

Iā€™ll find something else to win your category with ;-)