Walrus Grab Bag 6 - Reveal Thread!

Thanks for catching Pauwl, and sorry Sky!

Have edited the post now with the updated scoresheet.

As a preview, I feel like the anti-Yuv. I actually like all the songs I got, and I’m having trouble putting any at the bottom.

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Yikes! I’m getting destroyed in this one!

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Bump you lazy bastards

Just saw the first song was submitted twice. Terrible. Off to a great start!

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Some people, say @Pauwl, @seities, @anon29622970, @tilted and myself are inherently better human beings than the likes of say @suzzer99, @superuberbob, @CanadaMatt3004 and @skydiver8.

It’s not their fault. Some people were just born bad.


I’ll do it tomorrow during the Chiefs game - 1:30 PST.


Still planning on tomorrow. Will probably be on the early side for West Coast people.

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Those people don’t count.

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Going start this before the top of the hour.



Coffee made. In for this.

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I remember having trouble with this one.

In 9th place (1 point):

Ryeowook & Bada - Cosmic

Probably did about as well with me as it would have for Meb. Singers are technically good, but slow ballads like this are rarely my thing. I like East Asian pop, but it’s really gotta be substantially catchier to grab me. This just mostly bored me.

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At least I didn’t finish in last!

In 8th place (2 points):

Cherub - Doses & Mimosas

Person submitted a seities alternative, which was a risk. Beat is good, chorus is great, first singer is awful. That high pitched whiny singing goes on way too long. Without that, this could be podium-worthy. But I can’t not nodium something that sucked for well over a minute.


In 7th place (3 points):

Murmur – Me & You

This is actually the song that grew on me the most, but not quite enough to put it in the modium. Bored me throughout at first, but appreciated the dreamy-pop style on future listens. Probably deserves better than this, but the competition is pretty strong.

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Getting strong Wilson Phillips vibes from the Ryeowook and Bada one

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Had it been more “Hold On” and less “You Won’t See Me Cry”, it would have done better.

In 6th place:

Bad Religion - O Come, O Come Emmanuel

I like Bad Religion a lot, so I’m probably unconsciously dinging this a bit for familiarity. It’s a well done rock cover of a standard Christian hymn, but there’s really not a whole lot else to this. It’s the type of song that I could put on a Christmas playlist and have people think “that was decent”, before forgetting about it 20 minutes later.


Probably the biggest “quality jump” is here.


When you are judging, how much does the difference between:

(how much the other person would have liked it) and (how much I like it)

affect the score? Or is it just how much you like the song, period (with some accounting for familiarity)