Walrus Grab Bag 5 Reveal


eta: I’ve started using old “orly” and “imo” responses again. I should prolly stop.

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I said not before this morning, but I did not say that it would be this morning. Smrk cruising. Surely this time…


Would need to listen multiple times, but yes on first listen this is more interesting than the Presets one and would have done better

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This afternoon is the myth category? I don’t have a good feel for this one. I guess I predict a middling finish? 4-7 range?

@smrk4 @cassette
@crash_face @nano
@microbet @eyebooger
@seities @pyatnitski
@Pauwl @LouisCyphre

Reveal underway shortly


Oh brother. I had to dig a ways back in my history to find something for this. Not very confident.

Category : A song invoking or evoking the ancient mythology of any culture. Mythology may include current religions if you like, but I’m going to draw a line at gospel and plainly devotional music (as in don’t submit these for this category), though songs with Christian or Islamic chants and such would be acceptable for example. I’d nudge you away from songs that only occasionally name check a Greek God or something, but if you’re stuck and the song is good, that’s ok also. The master LouisCyphre won my category in the last walrus with this submission: https://youtu.be/hurWzo01FpM and something like that would work well here, although I’m relaxing my judging notes to say you don’t have to send me metal, I’m going to be basically open to whatever comes for this one.

Musical tastes : I like metal (but not the screamy stuff), most rock, some blues, some pop. Also into a lot of new-age electronic stuff, but maybe not dance music per se. Neutral on punk and hip hop. Country is generally a no go. I don’t like huddle around the campfire folky stuff, sorry.

General impressions: Pretty sure everything submitted could have made top half in the two other categories I judged (category theme aside), so this was really, really close, I changed my mind a lot, I have no idea if I got it remotely right. If you’re disappointed in the result, take some solace in that I’d give the last place a ~7/10 and 1st a ~9/10.


Part of me expects to do quite well here but this is also the kind of category that’s likely to be filled with great songs.

In 10th place scoring 1 point: Wilhelm Richard Wagner-Flight of the Valkyries

In some other universe, a more sophisticated version of myself has expanded his musical horizons and now finds classical music genuinely enjoyable, rather than just something to appreciate. Just not quite there yet in this universe. This is a slam dunk of a category fit, I’m sure many would easily podium this, but with a lot of close calls to make, I decided to place this here because I struggle to connect emotionally with this genre. Still, this would have beaten out a lot of average submissions, but I didn’t get any average submissions.


Always makes me think of


In 9th place scoring 2 points: Ulver - A Memorable Fancy, Plates 6-7

Good entry, just because it’s here doesn’t mean I didn’t like it. Very cool intro, a nice variety of textures throughout, an appealing amount of disorienting weirdness, but the singing is a little muddled in a sort of NiN style that didn’t fully click with me this time around. I tried my best to nudge it higher given my fondness for Romantic poetry (William Blake in this case), but I couldn’t get there.


My submission could end up in any place from first to last. It’s a song I like very much but the way things are going lately who knows… I survived two nodium places at least.


I kind of like this song. I can’t even tell what language they are singing in though.

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I suspect that you went with folk metal. I remember you picking GRAI for my Slavic band category.

It’s really the perfect genre for this category.

In 8th place scoring 3 points: Kadhja Bonet - Delphine

This is exceptionally pretty. I could definitely chill out with this. You were edged out by submissions that played to my (adolescent?) preferences for higher tempo songs. I’m not sure what the connection to mythology here is though? The lyrics are about a relationship, and I can’t find a connection to a mythological element; closest I got was Delphyne, a monster that Apollo killed? Is the connection to Delphi in general? This isn’t why it didn’t rank higher, just asking out of curiosity.


Nodium avoided



Tough category when Wagner ends up in last place.



I forgot who submitted Opeth the last time. My guess is that this will be the same Walruser.

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