Walrus Grab Bag 5 Reveal

lol fuck you it was playing

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eta: I wasn’t calling microbet Hitler, which is why I deleted it initially. And there’s better Lead Belly songs. Not sure why I posted that.


i didn’t know it and i enjoy the fact that i do know it now


Might have won.

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I don’t know what happened there between you two. I can’t imagine thinking I was being called Hitler.

I get anxiety about my posts in Walruses sometimes and often delete posts, especially when drinking.

Edit: I was trying not the spam the thread with more Lead Belly songs so posted it here:

What are you listening to - Arts & Entertainment - Unstuck Politics Forum

eta: I guess saying “fuck you” to me makes me resurrect my deleted posts

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pauwl posted the song, i clicked play and midway through it stopped playing because pauwl deleted the post. I graciously replied with ‘fuck you, i was listening to that’.

I am gracious.


That one is really good. I had a Leadbelly album my second year of college and did a lot of listening to it and not doing a ton of work. That song was on it.

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Fuck you! You edited out what I was responding to!!!

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You see I have no anxiety about posting in the walrus thread. I’m a god damned ataraxic about it.


This is the one thing I remember about that movie.
Unless remembering that Morgan Freeman and Bruce Willis are in it counts.

Picked the Monk song because my son has a musical book with a 10 second clip in it, and was playing it over and over. Did know the song anyway, but if ten seconds of it repeated endlessly sounds great it must be a (near) winner.

Ulver was my other entry, and that one fell foul of the usual lack of taste, judgement, panache, sense, manners etc. that one expects from Walrus.

Scores probably not till this evening, I’m afraid. No drinking involved.


I understand not liking the Tubbs lyrics, but if you imagine the Satan worship as real and the Saint stuff as a metaphor it works for me.

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Duke Ellington song was mine. Woo hoo my first #1! The Duke is on heavy rotation in our house on Sunday mornings. The Monk song is also fantastic

Carter song also a good one. you are right, that solo must have influenced Chuck Berry. Some very good songs submitted for this category imo


Man I’m getting killed.

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Hoy Hoy was mine.

I didnt really know how to approach this category since I never really listen to anything before the 80’s, let alone this far back.

So I decided to try and tie my entry to stuff I like now by looking for songs that may have influenced what I like now.

I’m glad you liked it, and thanks for the reveal Micro!


Very happy with a 3rd considering the category.

Nice reveal!


I can probably do this tomorrow morning.

It will likely be early (starting around like 8 or 9 AM Eastern) because I’m doing stuff with my dad for Father’s Day.

Apologies to anyone on the west coast, but you fuckers make us stay up way too late for sports, so sorry not sorry.



Just catching up on SUB’s category and finding it a little weird that he asked for a category for which he had a list of straight BANGERS ready to go. I will say that other than the bottom few, the spoken word songs have been surprisingly enjoyable.


I feel crash_face can overtake me tomorrow if he hasn’t already, I expect a middling result if not worse, although I’ve been running very good so far so idk.

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