Walrus Grab Bag 3 Reveal

Me. I’ve always been partial to a band who know how to wield a pneumatic drilll.

I think this is great though, they obviously mellowed over the years but I can still sense the menace in the background


In 2nd place with 11 points
Fareed Ayaz & Abu Muhammad - Kangna

The music is Qawwali, a form of Sufi devotional singing. I’d love to chop 4-5 minutes off this piece as it’s reptitive to my ears, but then again so was “My Baby is Taking Me Home” and that was goat. Maybe you’ll appreciate this, maybe not. I spared you Iron Maiden’s Rime of the Ancient Mariner, taking you for a more cultured fellow.

No complaints about the length from me, this is one of those tracks that hits a groove early and could probably ride it indefinitely. Seams as musically rich as this end up feeling like an almost physical construction you just get to roam around in for a while. Except that’s not quite right because although there’s heavy repetition I’d guess most players are improvising, so it’s never quite the same thing twice.

As above it’s a traditional religious music from the Indian sub-continent. Given this one’s being played with a lot of non-traditional instruments it’s probably a mug’s game to pick out what this influenced and what is then feeding back from elsewhere, but it sounds like a genre vast swathes of ‘experimental’ rock should get, and probably are already, on board with.

But, for all the satisfaction in the accompaniment, the singing is the really remarkable component. The control and power of them both, the sustain, the way you can see and hear them combine and offer counterpoint intuitively and seemingly effortlessly whenever the music demands. Just amazing stuff.


The lyrics are a bit trippy. Definitely not a shopping list.


I am en route
in a mixture of jetlag and alcohol
in a bus going 100
I am en route
with my invisible ice machine
with my invisible open fireplace

I check in
with my invisible house with garden
and my invisible oven by Gaggenau
They sit beside me in an airplane
and later we drink together till the minibar is empty
Sometimes they spend the night in hotel storage
Drive an order overnight with the technics truck of the crew
my invisible house with garden
and my invisible oven by Gaggenau
From A to B
From A to B
From A to B because of love
From A to B
From A to B
From A to B because of love
From A to B
From A to B
From A to B because of love
of love

Elevator, Car, Airplane (a croissant, a cookie)
moving walkway, white wine, airplane (a vegetarian in-flight dish with pasta)
Bus, escalator, taxi, elevator (a gin and tonic)

Perpetuum mobile
Perpetuum mobile
Perpetuum mobile

With my invisible ice machine (from A to B, from A to B, from A to B)
With my invisible open fireplace (from A to B, from A to B, from A to B)
With my invisible house with garden (from A to B, from A to B, from A to B)
With my invisible private zeppelin (from A to B, from A to B, from A to B)
(because of love)
(because of love)
(because of love)
(because of love)
(of love, because of love)

These are the lyrics as I have googled them but the song as linked does have at least a few extra lines in the same vein.


This being filmed in “the Coke studio” is quite the beauty

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Woohooo!!! A podium from the goat!

I havent been able to rail much as I was cooking dinner, but this has been another absolute top shelf reveal. Glad you enjoyed the submission.


This was me. Was cautiously optimistic, but one never knows. Glad you enjoyed it.


Einstürzende Neubauten are still going. My ranking so far (to the surprise of no one): 1. Nightwish 2. Tool

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That’s my ranking too but i’m not sure we have the same category

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In 1st place with 12 points
Meute - Hey Hey (Dennis Ferrer Rework)

Speaking of amazing stuff then I knew this was the winner from about 2 minutes in first time round. I don’t know Meute but it seems a simple proposition—a marching band that plays dancefloor techno. If it also seems weird then I promise after 30 seconds of listening it’ll sound like the most obvious move in the history of music, I’ve rarely seen anyone nail a concept as hard as these guys.

Like with Kangna at first I thought everyone was the hero. The dude on bass drum relentlessly keeping time, the xylophone riffer, the bloke on tuba who drops the bass HARD, the breath control from the horns. I particularly enjoyed the guy who plays hi-hat 99% of the time, but also hits a tiny snare riff maybe 4 times ever but always at the exact right moment.

But, really, it’s the singer again who owns this. I do like me a bit of techno but I’d normally avoid anything with vocals, but this guy just kills it. An amazing performance. Then, to top it off, they even manage the classic going-under-the-water going-under-the-water coming-out-of-the-water! dance music move. That they’re using acoustic instruments to improve a techno song is mind blowing.



Thank you all for listening a-LONG

Ha ha!


Okay this sounds fun

I dunno if it should qualify is a ‘long piece’ (is it long for a marching band? for techno?) but it’s a pretty cool song which is not something I thought i’d say about the winner of this category.
Kim Yo Jong closing in


I’m guessing this is skydiver because she submitted BT to me once. It was a track from a different album (Movement In Still Life) and that whole album was quite good. Judging from the first 4 minutes this track is not dance music and more ambient.


Great write-ups and I am not just saying it for the obvious reason. We might disagree on Nightwish and Tool but I am glad we see eye to eye on Meute. :+1:


Also amazing write-ups, pyat.
This guy just listened, ranked and wrote up 5x worth of Walrus category while the rest of you guys are slacking around at home. Shame.


I did consider this, but given I’d basically said it was up to you all to interpret and almost 8 minutes definitely isn’t short, I couldn’t deny it was easily my favourite.

Yeah Nightwish was NicholasP and BT was sky. I think everyone else has claimed their tracks.

Phenomenal reveal Pyat, even by your standards.

Also Louis now takes the lead, and he and Sky are running like Yuv did in the last grab bag.


Yeah BT is sky

Louis, nice work, bro


I was a bit hesitant at first because it’s “only” 8 minutes but after double-checking the category where it said ~“4 minutes is a long for a pop song” I felt it should be enough. My alternative had a 5 minute outro but I doubt you would have liked it as much. It might have gone the way of the Tool instead.


I imagine the only other option I considered would have gotten 0 points.