Walrus 13: UP HATES BANGERS Edition!!!

I’m not sure what Eminem has to do with this and I can’t even make a good guess as to where that confusion comes from. Like… huh?

But yeah, he sucks! I agree. He sounds like Ben Shapiro rapping and it’s weird how we’re supposed to pretend like he doesn’t sound like Ben Shapiro rapping.

I was talking about the etymology of ‘banger’ and how there are totally urban hip-hop youths who went on to become musicologists and etymologists who would edit a wikipedia page if needed. But even thinking otherwise, I retract calling that racism and it’s not even soft-bigotry… It’s just, the whole discussion is just weird. It’s like some serious ‘Mandela Effect’ stuff going on. There are obviously numerous other examples of hip-hop slang being adopted by the mainstream and applied widely, that nobody disputes.

Yeah, I dunno.

I can dig it. Honest truth, I saw your dog thread right after and wanted to delete my bullshit.

Dig you really submit Godspeed 6 times? Maybe delete if so. These are supposed to be anonymous.




He doesn’t actually suck but:

ok, submitted at last. i do not expect to win but weirder things have happened.

In this post I used to have a list of who had submitted but…

Edit - Maybe shouldn’t reveal who has submitted publicly for anonymous reasons. So I have 9 entries, and if I’ve seen your PM I have ‘liked’ it. Pretty sure I’ve not missed any.

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Edit - And in this post I said who was late. I’ll PM those people directly.

Edit 2 - PMs sent.

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Still an entry outstanding, but I’ve sent over category 1. If the late entry comes in I can send the extra song and then the rest in full and anonymity will still be INTACT.

Good luck all, and may the best person win. (Me, ldo!)


Tentative rough reveal schedule

  1. Tuesday Evening
  2. Sometime Thursday
  3. Sometime Sunday
    4-6. TBD

Just FYI usually abandon this thread and start a new one for the reveal

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Is there a Walrus FAQ or rules page. First time player and I have no idea what happens after submit and reveal.

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Probably not following D1 with the debate on then.

Lots of whining.

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The scores are totaled for all categories and a winner is announced. Customarily, the host then sends the winner $10-100 for providing them with such exciting new music depending how much their world was rocked.



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While we’re awaiting one late submission @pyatnitski shared with me the submissions for the first category only so anonymity can be maintained on the submissions of the late participant.

On first listen, I can tell you there is a very clear top half and bottom half separation in this first category.