Walrus 12 or so: sign up thread

Well I know most of the songs in Category 1 and almost none in Category 2. I need to up my calming game, I guess!


Just want to do my customary thanking of the person doing the anonymous dissemination.

Even though that person is being quite the sassypants…


Very excited for your reveals. You chose great categories so I am looking forward to finding some new stuff that others submitted.


Seconding. I may be in for last, but I liked a lot of my submissions

damn, if this had come out a week ago, I might have actually entered this walrus


That’s a lot different and a lot better than I was expecting.

They managed to craft the perfect message song for this moment. You can pick out elements of nearly every Black musical tradition in the composition. Listen for hip hop, R&B, gospel, disco, old spiritual, even Jazz with the off-beat elements. It’s astonishingly good.

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This is really hard to judge. Some of you have very weird ideas about protest songs :D

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I suggest using the @Pauwl dairy system. Clearly American Cheese is 1 point, but i think you get some leeway for the others.


Feeling a little better that I DIDN’T submit a duplicate.

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I’ve been in like 3 walruses (walrii) and railed maybe 2 and I don’t remember seeing duplicates. Has it happened yet?

2 or 3 times two people have submitted the same band, but not the same song as far as I remember.

i sent the same band as someone else twice in my 3 walruses (Clash and X-ray spex which is pretty lol), so surely it happened more or i’m very unlucky.

Sorry it’s looking like the first reveal will be tomorrow now. I have time to listen and do write ups, but finding an hour or two for the actual reveal is tough. Work has been very busy this week. On the plus side, I’m making progress on category 2 as well.

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Meanwhile, everybody should get themselves prepared to argue about what counts as a “real” protest song! :smile:


I should be able to send the rest tomorrow and at worst by the end of the weekend you’ll have everything.


I am excited for the reveal

I was going to enter “The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carrol” but then thought Bob Dylan was too obvious for a protest song category. So I think I ended up submitting a non-protest song. FPS.

Firat reveal will be tomorrow at about 9:30am pst!


Zomg! I’ll likely be asleep then since I stay up til 3, but I’m in if I wake up