Video Games

It’s still fun. I just have a huge gripe about how expensive skins are.

But now that crossplay groups should be easier, we should group. I used to play with alobar a lot. He’s pretty good.

Oh btw they made changes to the merc hitbox… made it wider and taller. I tried it out last night in casuals and had a few 900+ pt games. I might take it for a spin in ranked - it seems… good?

I always have issues with my shots going too high with dominus/fennec cars. But the shot that comes out of the merc comes out a lot lower and I got some BANGERS into the net from half court range with it, which is usually an impossible shot for me with octane bodies.

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Octane For life

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I like dominus body and climbed most of the way to D3 with it but switched to fennec when that car came out. It’s an octane body but just feels… different.

my playstyle is very much a “disruptor” style where I try to steal or contest the ball upfield as the first man on defense. Then i try to get demos on the way back. This new hitbox feels perfect for it.

the new merc hitbox beats octane for 50/50’s. I used to do a similar thing with plank bodies where I’d position my car with the nose pointing down and my entire body in the air to get over the top of octanes, but with the new merc body it’s like you’re already doing this without even having to maneuver your car in a weird way.

It really sucks at dribbling though.

This is the first gameplay change in years I think. I dont think epic realizes how much these changes can affect the game. Just the fact that another car can beat octane on 50/50’s means the game’s meta could become a merc meta. I’d die laughing if that happened.

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Oh shit it stealth released on the Switch, about to slam the buy button. Two reviews indicate no significant issues the with port so i got it, will play later. Spelunky 2 and a new Supergiant game in the same week, plus Rocket League crossplay, is probably going to be the gaming highlight of the rest of my life.

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Rogue Company is a really good competitive 3rd person shooter. Been playing on Xbox. In beta right now. Ranked should be coming later this month.

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Also coming to Switch :nerd_face:

Never beat Mike Tyson, either. Ninja Turtles and the first Dragon Warrior were two that come to mind that I never could beat. Oh, and Zelda 2.

Yes zelda 2 is impossible. And if you die you have to start over… and it is absolutely not a short game.

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Eh? The original cartridge had a battery you could save to.

guess I dont remember that. I had it on the original console, but more recently played it on an emulator.


(I might have 500 hours in dead cells or something)

Epic has Watchdogs 2 , FM2020 and another game for free at the moment.

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The guy who names your pony.

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There’s a “3 lives” limit for some reason but I think even if you lose all of yours you just start back at the first palace but still with all your stuff. It’s been long enough that I don’t remember for sure though.

More details?

Top down 2.5D roguelike very similar to dead cells made by the Bastion and Transistor guys. Its great gonna play the fuck out of it.

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Well, I’m sold

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Damn, bastion and transistor are pretty great.

Gotta finish Wasteland 3 first though. I’ve only got so many gaming hours in a week.

They also made Pyre, which is also great, although less gameplay-focused than the previous two games. It’s basically a visual novel where you make a few impactful choices while the gameplay is basically a game out of American Gladiators (the one where you try to put a ball in the other team’s basket). Looking forward to trying out Hades when I get a few.