Video Games

But can you beat it with the PowerGlove?

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My video game white whale is probably the ninja turtles game for NES. Or marble madness.

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Battletoads is notoriously hard; so hard the playtesters couldnā€™t finish it. Thereā€™s an entire level you canā€™t beat in 2-player mode, because the testers never made it that far to discover that.

Pretty sure I beat Mike Tyson waaaaaaaaaaay before I was finally able to land on the aircraft carrier in Top Gun.

Also Super Mario World on SNES was easier to beat than any of the NES Mario Broā€™s games imo

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Ditto for the original TMNT. 8 year old me couldnā€™t figure out where to go during the van driving sections and Iā€™d end up running out of missiles. I owned Marble Madness and played it a lot, but once I got my hands on a NES Advantage Controller I could breeze right through it consistently. It easily takes less than 5 minutes.

I only ever beat Battletoads using the warps.

I have every TV in the house set up with Launchbox now to grant access to basically every retro video game in existence except the Playstation libraries. Savestates are on a central server so you can switch rooms mid-game without starting over. My kids never really got into it given their access to gaming PCs. The youngest is 14 now and she has mastered Mario Kart 8 on the WiiU emulator as her console game of choice. I cannot beat her, and itā€™s a little embarrassing. Even when she lets me try to pick her the worst car possible. Her proudest video game achievement was a chore dispute with one of her brothers. I told them to settle it with a Mario Kart head to head and he was a little too cocky for his own good. She took it down and was so happy, she wound up doing the one she didnā€™t want to anyway so he wouldnā€™t feel so bad.


Donā€™t recall ever finishing Shadowrun for SNES or Sega Genesis either

Hell I never finished Zelda for that matter, on any platform

I beat it, but thereā€™s no way I would have back in the day without Nintendo Power hints and the map. I mean, thereā€™s random-ass shit you have to do that would be either impossible to figure out or would take so much time to discover that it wouldnā€™t be worth it.


I beat zelda ocarina of time and majoras mask but needed plenty of help on the puzzles. Iā€™ve never been great at those kinds of puzzles even though i like them.

Also Rocket league is apparently going free to play through some kinda deal with epic and you can get a 10 dollar coupon if you claim it in first month.

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Yeah Psyonix was acquired by Epic and it was pretty clear from the start that they would be moving to a free to play model. Iā€™m sure there will be some downside to Epic exclusivity but Iā€™m excited for cross play and being able to play on my Switch with my primary account that has all my progress.

Another FYI - Throne of Lies is in the $1 tier in the latest Humble Bundle. Itā€™s another werewolf type of game but one that is easy and enjoyable to play solo with randoms.

I love Battletoads. If you can get to the wheel level, you can beat the game. Initially, I got stuck there because the inputs are too perfect like you said. But I found a trick that makes it much much easier. Pause on every corner.

Iirc, you can pause/unpause instantly. So you can mash to make sure youā€™re perfectly on the corner before you change your direction input (which you can do while paused).

Have they said how they are going to deal with smurfs? F2P Rocket League seems like it would be filled with people dunking on opponents WAY below their skill level for account selling and just being an ass.

Iā€™ll be able to play on my ps4 with my pc account? Thatā€™d be sick. I had to start over from bronze and dont have any of my cool skins.

This pretty much already happens. I feel bad for the people i stomped on up to diamond from bronze with my new acct. but itā€™s not my fault they started me at bronze.

Right, but now itā€™s free, which seems like it would make the problem much worse.

I want to write a guide on how to go from bronze > champ without mastering any crazy technical skills. Iā€™ve nearly done it twice now. Iā€™m not sure if anyone would be interested or where to put it, maybe on the 22forumā€™s rocket league thread.

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iā€™d read it

Yea, maybe. I mean their terrible ranking system doesnt really help.

I am a champ/champ2 player when Iā€™m playing well, diamond 3 at worst when Iā€™m on my B game. And it still has taken me almost half a year to climb back up on a new account. Thatā€™s a LOT of people I have smurfed and it isnā€™t really my fault, the ranking system just doesnā€™t promote you fast enough. I mean shit I have a 68% winrate over 1000 games and it still has me in plat? Garbage system.

Edit: talking about solo 3ā€™s mostly. You can climb fast when grouped up in standard 3ā€™s.

I literally canā€™t aerial. You can ask alobar. I have less than 10 aerial goals total on this new account. I tend to mostly stay on the ground. I am a very good dribbler though. I score mostly by smart passing and by taking midrange power shots into the corner of the net, or by dribbling past a defender in an iso situation and flicking it in.

The real trick in my opinion is being good at positioning. If youā€™re always where the ballā€™s gonna be you dont need to really try to fly to grab the ball, youā€™ll just be the first person there so itā€™s not necessary to go way up.

I will say though you absolutely need to be good at quick takeoff at higher ranks or you just get smoked when you try to contest.

I mean crazy technical skills like air dribbling or flip resets and stuff like that. Iā€™ve seen people in plat that can go for triple flip resets but they have no idea how to rotate.

I just foresee a bunch of people who hate losing doing nothing but leveling new accounts and starting over so they never lose a game. Itā€™s something they will need to address because otherwise it will be super frustrating for new players who have to win a large majority of their legit games to rank up at all.

I havenā€™t played in a while, I got up to D2 once, but didnā€™t belong there. I was also in the terrible at aerials, good at positioning/strategy and adapting to my teammateā€™s tendencies club.