Video Games

KOTOR is pretty engaging from a role playing perspective

Iā€™ve pretty much maxed out my light side points. Now Iā€™m at the planet with the Sith academy, and Iā€™m worried about having to do Dark Side stuff.

Plus itā€™s pretty funny that for most of the game my identity was a big secret, but now Iā€™m going around just telling everyone who I am and they donā€™t believe me.

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Insta bought game even in early access

no regrets

I feel like I played KOTOR a million years ago and I donā€™t remember a thing about it.

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Yeah, im gonna snatch it up this weekend. Looks incredible

(should be a free link)

@dlk9s if you want a marvel rivalā€™s key I can gift them I think, Iā€™m in the alpha. Letā€™s just say Overwatch has nothing to fear hereā€¦ maybe Paladins. Or anyone else obviously.

Elden Ring DLC coming out in 6 weeks. Are people making a new build for this? My original character is on like NG+3. I have another character with a samurai build still on first play through, but Iā€™ve totally forgotten what dungeons etc. Iā€™ve done with that. Will probably just start a new character.

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I never beat the game, tried to do too many side things and got distracted. If itā€™s good I guess Iā€™ll go for it

From Software has a stellar track record with DLCs so I have high expectations

I beat it once and didnā€™t know what to do with my character. Keep it at 140-150 for pvp or do ng+ and keep levelling up. Did a lot of pvp and helped people with some of the harder bosses and then stopped playing.
They ended up nerfing the shield I used I think, the greatshield with the highest stability. Used that along with the commanderā€™s halberd, a misericorde, and a parrying shield in case someone used rivers of blood.
Switching to parrying shield for rivers of blood and then misericorde for instakill was always super satisfying.


Finished KOTOR. On the whole, itā€™s a very fun game where you get to pretend to be a Jedi. But it also had some pacing problems in my opinion. After Bastila is kidnapped, I kinda just wanted to get to the end of the game, but I still have a full sized planet, a mini-planet, and random companion quests to complete before I get there. It doesnā€™t help that the final boss is a bit of a pain to fight (at least with the equipment I had) when you reach him.

There are also a number of bugs, some left over from the original game, and some that seem to be problems with the Switch port (like the game crashing if you play too long without fully closing the game).

If you can look past that stuff as well as the early-2000s 3D graphics, then itā€™s a fun time. Mass Effect seems like the RPG-lite version of this game, which isnā€™t too surprising since they were directed by the same person.

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Finished Rise of the Ronin yesterday. Itā€™s exhaustive. You clear out a whole map thinking itā€™s nearing the end, then a new map with side quests and shit. Game went on way too long with too many characters that I couldntā€™ keep track of in the end. I just did every mission that was available so ended up working for both sides the whole game. Somewhat enjoyable game. Cross between Ghost of Tsushima and a bit of Sekiro but not greater than either of those parts.

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Discovered these accounts a few days ago. They make cool mods and replacement parts for consoles. Even made a bunch of 3D print files free for everyone. Their latest is the Nintend-Drawer, which is a 72-pin replacement for the NES that essentially turns it into a top-loader, but keeping the original form factor (so it still loads from the front, but the connection is like the top loader).

I tend to like unmodded consoles, but this is definitely something I would get if funds werenā€™t tight. Just donā€™t need to be spending the money right now (itā€™s not particularly pricey, just an unnecessary expense).

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Summoning salt continues to be the best in the world at what he does.


I started a new character in Elden Ring with Mariko the samurai. Either Iā€™m a lot worse than I used to be, or they really nerfed bleed damage. Probably a little of both but mainly the former.

Cyber punk worth a play through? Just saw it for 29.99 on Xbox.

I thought it was a good, but overhyped game originally. Think they patched most of the problems, kind of want to replay eventually. I suggest playing it.

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Base game got fixed and is way better than the original release. The DLC Phantom Liberty is amazing and has Idris Elba. It can be played as part of the normal game like mid way through. I loved it!

ETA: I played the patched version as a female and got to do some fun stuff late game that I couldnā€™t do as a male character.

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