Now I’m second guessing myself on whether or not the first time you run into a ruler, if it’s listed as a mission parameter. I know it will on future missions, but I’m wondering if the first time is a surprise. Maybe I’ll start a new campaign to find out!
Really, really love Long War. It’s given me plenty of misery over the years. I should just buy Terra Invicta because of all the free entertainment they gave me with the Long Wars.
Meanwhile, I failed one of the tutorial missions. I guess I still suck. Took me a while to figure out I could not just buy more scientists and engineers.
Right, run 30 or so you can add in 1800 mods so that your characters talk like Stewie from Family Guy and your stealth reaper with 3 foot tall neon green mohawk spikes free fires an ice grenade from 1000 ft to wipe two sectopods in one shot.
In this scene, we’re trying to abduct a high ranking member of Al-Qaeda that is meeting up with people from a Mexican drug cartel in broad daylight (because of course they work together, that’s why we need to build the wall ldo). The only explosion was when I attached an explosive to one of those Euro dumpsters to create a diversion. A few shots were fired. The next scene takes us to Mexico, so maybe I haven’t made it to the explosions yet.
Nice! My wife told a friend that I “knew how to get PS5s”, even though I had only helped two people previously (now three) and one of those was through Discord, which I wouldn’t have even told her about. Guess I have the touch.
I haven’t had any time at all to play Terra Invicta, I got addicted to KSP again, starting from scratch. Just barely managed to land a probe on Moho after some critical communications SNAFUs. Landed sideways, but it still counts!
You could walk around a little bit but there were boundaries and you can’t interact with everything, so sitting down might be a problem. However, you can stand, kneel, or lay down prone.
This irritated me with the last CoD game I played, you get to be in a bar in Germany in the 1980’s with Robert Redford and you don’t get to interact with anyone or do anything cool. I want a game where I get to be Robert Redford’s wingman, are you kidding me that would be amazing.