Video Games

Everybody trying to login to play the game isn’t exactly a DDOS.


blizzard has a bizarre hatred for their own users, so using blizz logic could be that they see this as a ddos attack from their own players. lol.

like they arent getting actually ddos’d with all the auth shit they put behind this now. or they have a really stupid public endpoint? I really cant think of how they could be ddos’d but I’m an idiot.

this is a deduction I made after some conversations w some ex and current employees about their backend, I just get the sense it’s a complete mess always and they have had these kinds of problems for soooooo many years now it’s almost like there’s no real excuse anymore except incompetence. It costs them nothing to be like “yea we’ll try to do better” but they either just make a dumb excuse or blame their own users.

Yeah, I am 4 levels away from getting my first battle pass in fortnite and will then just hit lvl 100 every season to keep that going. Thats how most of these should be, but Blizzard has never been a non-greedy company

Overwatch servers are back online. Just played a couple more games. Still undefeated!

Feels like Overwatch. As mentioned before, definitely faster paced because there aren’t dual barrier tanks on each team. A lot more individual play than team play, but it’s quick play on the first day with likely tons of new players. Haven’t played on any of the new maps or the new game mode, so it all felt comfortable.

I tried the new heroes in the training range and boy, do they feel OP, but that’s kind of what Blizzard does with new heroes, then they nerf them.

Good thing we don’t have to play both offense and defense on quick play.

I got a couple hours in last night but pretty drunk so yeah. Same stuff new coat of paint but the original still held up so again if they just go back to adding new maps and heroes on a regular basis fine with me. Mystery heroes felt terrible 5v5 but that’s probably just combination of new players and new changes, but same problem of attack winning way more than defense.

Reddit etc flipping out about monitization. I don’t really get it, must be a generational thing, I don’t GAF about skins or paying for skins, whatever.

And of course the log in queues are totally fucked again this morning lol.

I never played OW and was going to try this but getting endless queue into error message. Are there some good heroes for people who blow at FPS?

One nice thing about the game is that there are plenty of heroes that don’t require great mechanical skill. You still need to get good with positioning, situational awareness, teamwork, etc., but you don’t need to have amazing aim or elite fast-twitch reflexes.

Most support heroes don’t require classic FPS skills. Biggest exception is Ana, as she’s a support sniper, but even then, her healing shot is more forgiving than her damage shot. Baptiste plays like a FPS healer, but damage output isn’t his main thing. Lucio doesn’t require great aim, but the best Lucio players get REALLY skilled at his movement mechanics.

One reason I’m a Moira main is because I don’t need good aim, yet I can still contribute. I also think she’s fun to play and I enjoy the strategy needed to use her abilities.

None of the tanks require amazing FPS aim. Zarya is my favorite, but she does require at least good enemy tracking to keep your damage beam on them and you need to learn how to use her “bubble” efficiently. I haven’t played with the reworked Doomfist (he used to be a damage hero, now he’s tank), but he probably has the highest skill floor - he’s fun to use, but you need to get really good at his abilities.

As for damage heroes, if aim is your concern, stay away from the ones that have what I would consider “classic” guns as their main weapon. Heroes like Widowmaker (sniper), Hanzo (sniper), Soldier 76, Sojourn, Tracer, Cassidy, Ashe, and Genji. To various extents, they are all about aim. Junkrat is probably the easiest damage hero to start with, as you can get by with spamming your grenade lobber. Reaper is an up-close character who uses a shotgun - you have to be willing to get in and mix it up with him. Sombra is my favorite and she seems like she could be the most powerful damage hero right now, but her kit has a high learning curve.


I’d assume no one can answer this but will try anyways, if I just show up to my local microcenter on wednesday when it opens can I grab a 4090? Demand can’t be that high right?

Beat another childhood game, Adventures of Lolo

Maybe because I was a young kid but I didn’t recognize it as a puzzle games, mostly because I didn’t know what puzzle games were, but I remember it being challenging. It was fun the second go around and I did better than I thought, I only needed to look up the solutions to a few puzzles.


Your best bet is to call them. They may have a door lottery or something set up. I doubt they will have stock at the end of the day, unless the 40 series bombs incredibly hard.

Yeah I was just thinking that since it’s only the 4090 and not the 4080 etc the demand would be low.

Hmm opening 8am on wednesday and have 11 models on their page guess I’ll be fine.

here i am over here like a pleb with the rtx 3060

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I have a 1080 -_-

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oh wow now that’s an upgrade

rtx 2060 for me. Apparently I’m a hobo.


I want to redo my rig, but these 40 series prices are giving me pause.

I have a RX 580, which is an actual potato.

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