US withdrawal from Syria and the Turkish invasion of Rojava

My impression is that WW1 was inevitable. Germany’s military buildup turned Europe into the scene that Will Smith orchestrated in the climax to Enemy of the State and if it weren’t Serbia or the nervous cook it would have been something else.

I haven’t seen the Trump thread yet. I’m not expecting the ruining of Turkey’s economy, but I’ll see.

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Turkey fucking sucks.

This is just heartbreaking. How are Turkey and Russia more prepared to invade than our own leaders were to withdraw?


I heard a thing saying there are reports that Russia is brokering a deal between the SDF and Assad. At this point, maybe this is the best that can be hoped for.

And suggesting that Trump is just being someone’s tool is letting him off easy. Trump licenses his name to a huge building in Turkey and there’s been talk about Turkey forcing that to end because they were mad about the Muslim Ban. Trump is not being conned, he’s being bribed.

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Here’s what the DoD was saying after the announcement, so in the very small window of time that any civilians had to get out of the way.

All they actually did was kick Turkey out of the mechanism to schedule flights in the area. That is they spun the fact that Turkey didn’t have a polite way to inform people of their bombing raids as actual protection against them.

Here’s a BBC correspondent having a “maybe we’re the bad guys” moment.

I mean as far as US post war allies go, Turkey is hardly a standout in terms of badness. Not great, admittedly, but we’ve befriended worse.

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I saw an announcement that Russia was ready to help broker a deal. Iran said similar yesterday too. Erdogan and Putin spoke today, I’m sure they’d talk to Rojava but are also probably waiting to see exactly what happens and how they can gain the most.

So, this is like the fall of Saigon, except we could have easily diplomatically prevented this and the reason it’s happening is so that the President of the United States can keep getting paid to license his name to a hotel.

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Turkey and Russia are our leaders, of course they were prepared.

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I don’t agree with this guy’s perspective on Rojava and he’s just a random YouTuber afaik, but this gets at how muddled everything is.

Until today, I have never once regretted my decision to serve in the military.

I was proud.

Now I feel like I wasted 10 years of my life and I’m having trouble handling it.

I don’t know how to express myself right now. I feel like I felt on election night in 2016, like I don’t recognize anything anymore, and everything I thought I knew was wrong.


Don’t be ashamed. I’m not. You can’t control what dumbfuck they make Commander in Chief.


A lot of the people in the international brigade fighting with the SDF are US veterans. This guy fought in Rojava, was in the US Marines before that, voted for Trump and is upset about this.


Reports on CNN are saying the Kurds have said the prison holding ISIS soldiers has been bombed.

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What is Syria doing? Are they chill with Turkey violating their sovereignty to wage war? Seems like Asshead would at least have an opinion

Lulzi responds (by stanning for Assad)