UP's Blind Spot for Sexism and Misogyny

I see. It was the same with retard a few years ago, and we won that war. I’m hoping to win this one too which is very similar and possibly worse.

Is it a blind spot if you recognize that your own post is offensive as you post it? (Am I missing something here?)

Well, I mean, I recognise certain things I say are offensive, and yet, I am going to continue saying them. Does that make me a bad person?

Kind of, yeah. Especially when bragging about it on a lefty forum in a thread about stuff like this. Are you the guy defending the racist rain man?


Who’s the racist rain man?

The ant farmer.

Oh, yes, that would be me,

I just want to be a lefty on the science and facts stuff. Not on the socialism and SJW stuff. Does that mean I can’t play here?

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Wtf sort of move is d2 to e4 anyway?

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I made the SN when I was pretty drunk and now I’m stuck with it.

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You can do whatever you want as long as the community accepts it. I don’t speak for everybody. (Although I wish I did when it comes to you know who.)

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Don’t know, but I think words like Ct, N***, etc. should be.

Sure, you can still play here. And yes, it means you’re an asshole.


You sound like my kind of poster.

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You’re in London, right? We should hang out. I got some Annie Lennox on my ghetto blaster.


Have you ever eaten bacon? Cause I’ve got to tell you bacon is pretty fucking awesome.

I hung out w Elton John’s security detail in Villefranche one night and they told me the correct way to say it was shitcxxx.

I think censoring words is a poor substitute for just holding people accountable for what they say, but I’d welcome the input of any of our women on the subject.


I recuse myself from this debate on account of the fact that in other spaces I swear like a sailor and the c word doesn’t offend me in the slightest. Honestly, it’s more about context rather than the word itself.

I do take issue with slang words derived from descriptions of the mentally or physically handicapped.

I also fully understand that this is inconsistent.


I concur. In fact, every time I write “right wing brainfuckery” on 2+2 and it gets censored, I die a little inside.

We need to start a thread about our blind spot to vegans.

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