UP's Blind Spot for Sexism and Misogyny

Meat is murder. Tasty, tasty murder.

Am I doing it right?


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I’m not sure about RCs world but here there’s a direct correlation w vegetarians = snow flake libraalls
Meat eaters = maga s

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Concur. I know a lot of vegans and I can count on one finger the number who are militantly annoying. Every meateater who thinks that vegans are annoying is worse.


I haven’t studied it, but it seems like something inherently prone to bias. Like, a vegetarian or vegan is much, much less likely to get hit by the militarism of a militant vegan, and even if they do, they’re more likely to forget about it, but they’re more likely to remember the many pro-bacon posts they see on Facebook. They’re also likely to get called out by meat eaters. Similarly, meat eaters are likely to forget bacon porn on Facebook, as that’s just normal, but they’re more likely to be called out by militant vegans, as well as remembering perceived slights by vegetarians. Meat eaters will seldom see much of pro-meat militarism, so to them it doesn’t exist.


Yes, after reading through those posts I eventually came to a similar conclusion, although it was fuzzy and somewhere in the back of my brain and not as clearly thought through and well articulated as this. But “similar.”

FWIW, I’ve never really noticed militant vegans or vegetarians either. I notice them merely talking about being veggies more, but in the same way I notice gluten-free, keto, paleo, etc. types talking about their diets all the time as well.

Maybe I just don’t notice much.

South Philly is one area where you’ll hear it, but it’s like universal in Delco I think.

Says the guy who made a fake account posing as a woman defending his sexism to try to win an argument online, and got found out within… [checks notes] …four minutes. GJGE!

Well, we’ve got a whole new can of worms.

You should know. It was blatantly obvious dude, I called it out 4 minutes after you first posted on the gimmick.


The first time you admitted it was bad and moved on and no gimmick was needed. This time you kept losing your argument, didn’t want to give in, and then the gimmick pops up.

As long as we can make fun of him for that time he made a gimmick posing as a woman to back up his losing argument and got called out within 4 minutes.

I think I said like known female poster or reg, too, so a new random account would not have counted.

Suspect says he didn’t do it, gotta take him at his word!

Air quotes? Dude you’re like a full blown deplorable by UP standards. You’re mocking the idea of white privilege while defending yourself creeping on young women’s underwear on clotheslines.

Needs more love.

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I agree. This is why I think using the word “swamp donkeys” matters. It’s objectifying women, and that’s what leads to those sorts of beauty ideals becoming engrained.

That guy needs an editor.

The fact that we are not censoring the word “C**T” is a problem.

Are we currently censoring any words?

We should not censor any words.

This is gonna be funny after other arguments but people use that word all the time across the pond.


It’s taken me a while to realize that UK people use that word more often and also when referring to men, whereas in the States it’s almost always used as a slur against a woman.

As long as it’s still ok to refer to moose as swamp donkeys, then I agree it should otherwise be avoided.

Which word, and how do you know?

Now you’re trying to be controversial by using a diminutive of the word spastic as a pejorative.


I read the internet and watch TV

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All the time? No.

It’s still a very strong swear word eg you might get away with “fuck” in a work setting but less chance with ■■■■■■■ Same goes for swearing in front of your mother.

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My boss and mother don’t post here

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I don’t believe spastic is frowned upon nearly as much in the US as I believe it is in the UK. (Not to open that can of worms again. But that’s my sense.)

Blind spot? What blind spot?

Nominate myself for infraction/ban