Unstuckables Rewatchables (a movie game)

Ruffalo being bad in Spotlight is just a mega bad take. Holy shit, that diminishes a lot of respect either of those guys have in their movie criticisms.


This is fine, I suppose. It’s Part II. I imagine this is going to result in a lot of pro-part II slurping with a side of slander for part III.

For my money - and I realize this is a minority opinion - Back to the Future is a I > III > II situation.

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I’m with you. Part III and I are neck and neck for me.

Apparently it’s Fast Times at Ridgemont High next. I’ve never gotten around to that one, and it’s not on streaming right now.

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I was readying to cave and rent Fast Times (which would have surely instead become a blind purchase because of the $1 difference) but the “Coming to Prime in 5 Days” will stay my hand. I can wait until the weekend to catch up on the newest ep.

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You’re in for a treat. Written by the guy who directed Say Anything and Almost Famous, directed by future Clueless auteur. It’s a good one.

(Written by the guy who directed Elizabethtown)

But yeah I’m looking forward to watching, it’s been on the long list forever.

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Listen, there’s no defending Elizabethtown, but to his credit, it’s the only truly bad film in his filmography. Even We Bought A Zoo is pretty good.

I haven’t seen Aloha, but it gets pretty awful reviews. You’re a fan?

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Haven’t seen that one. Lol it was so bad that I wiped even the trailer from my memory. So okay he has two absolute bombs.

Holy shit the tagline.

“Sometimes you have to say goodbye before you can say hello”

Thats the worst tagline to a movie I can think of


I have a worthy contender.

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Blue Streak is brilliant, 10/10.

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“I’d rip your tongue out and use it to lick my balls” lmao

Speaking of Blue Streak, can someone explain the appeal of Lawrence’s character in Bad Boys? He just seems to be a bumbling idiot, and that trend seems likely to continue based on the trailers I’ve seen for the new movie.

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I think he’s there to make Will Smith seem even cooler by comparison. He’s the beta bumbling comic relief.

Slap Shot is next up. That one I’ve seen.


The Hanson Brothers yess. I think that movie has a lot of problematic stuff in it, but overall it’s still great and great as a sports movie even if you don’t like hawkey

Uh I got too many movies on my plate, gotta pass.

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