Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

What’s it a sequel to?

Great recap. Furiosa also a banger. Not leaps ahead of Fury Road, but still at the same level.

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It’s part three of the dollars trilogy, but it’s a bit complicated. Those stories are really not that connected. It does crush A Fistful of Dollars though. I actually haven’t seen For a Few Dollars More.

I see what you mean, but for my money, the qualifier is that a movie showed us how good the franchise could be far above prior expectations. Thor was fine as an Avenger, and then we got Ragnarok and were shown that a Thor movie could be light years better than what Dark World or part one suggested.

Back to the Future part 3 is that much better than part 1.


You just said this less than three weeks ago.

Now III is crushing?

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After consideration under the topic of discussion, I think it is indeed crushing.

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whole new ballgame, whole new day

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From the older Mad Max movies I only watched the first one and it was so boring and lame I don’t think I even finished it, definitely never even considered watching the 2nd or 3rd ones. I suppose I might have to reconsider…

Raises hand, admits the MM and RW blend in my mind as one movie.

So probably when I say I love MM I probably mean RW.

RW has the guy handcuffed to the bumper?

Which one has the guy run over by the semi in graphic detail!

If you see one (two) Mad Max movie(s), watch Road Warrior and Fury Road.

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Why would you describe Fury road in this (objectively correct) way and then consider not seeing Furiosa in theaters ? would be a pretty big mistake imo

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Here’s a home theatering tip if you want to try to re-capture how Michael Mann watches movies now that TVs are really coming down in price. My brand choice is always LG.

He thinks an 80" monitor replicates the movie theater experience well enough to replace it at home. Since finding this out, and moving into a new house, I bought two of those and also tend to agree with him. I won’t get into sound but if you’re visually trying to capture a movie screen’s ‘feel’ at home 80" is probably where you want to be. 60 is pretty good too, but 80 seems about right. Believe it or not, in the old CRT days a top notch engineer told me the biggest TV for playback you should get to watch SD content ‘correctly’ was 27". Everything else became too pixelated. What a world we live in.

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Hotter takes:

  • I didn’t really enjoy Batman Begins that much. Might have been my expectations, but after watching it, I thought “meh”.

  • TDK is super overrated. Don’t get me wrong; it’s good. Very good even. But it’s sitting at #3 on IMDB, while the rest of the top 5 are 10/10 bangers.

Agree. I def wouldn’t skip Furiosa in theaters. These are spectacle movies, much better on the big screen with good sound. Also, the reviews have not been bad on the whole at all. It’s 90/90 on Rotten tomatoes and 7.9 currently on iMdb.

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I still think the second movie in that franchise is the best.

Its placement in the top three of all time on there isn’t actually the result of the broader public thinking it’s one of the best three films ever made; it’s the result of what was a long, systematic positive review-bomb of the movie because the weirdo Nolan cultists wanted it to sit #1 all-time. You have to mostly discount the IMDb thing when it comes to Nolan because of said weirdos.

Even when trying to cut through the noise and see the reality of where it sits among moviegoers who aren’t embarrassing, I’d say it’s still overrated, but not as egregiously so. It’s great and has a legitimate claim for best movie of 2008.

MM is Max and his family take a nice driving vacation around the outback. They get harassed by a wacky motorcycle gang who then hunt them down to avenge a fellow gang memeber that Max killed.

RW is the big oil/gas pumping compound that comes under seige from a gang of flamboyant near naked fellows. Also features the funny helicopter pilot sidekick to Max. The folks in the compound make a dash for the promised land in a tanker truck full of fuel (similar to Fury Road).

The gap between Mad Max and Road Warrior isn’t that big for me. But i don’t love either of them. Probably movies I would have enjoyed more back when they were released.

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I’ve somehow never seen Road Warrior, even though I’ve seen the rest of the franchise. Maybe I’ll watch it this weekend.

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nah, rewatch Fury Road instead.