Unstuckables Rewatchables (a movie game)

I would say that I enjoyed Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood the least of all of them.

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Oh you meant worst movie. I thought you meant acting performance. I didn’t even remember him acting in Django.

Hateful Eight is the only one that didn’t land for me.

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This is probably the most common answer to that question.

Interestingly, I’d say the least common answer to that one is probably Jackie Brown. No one every has that one deal last. Ever. I’ve even encountered some weirdo who had Pulp Fiction last.

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You had it right the first time. I mean his worst performance.

Jackie Brown is easily among his best movies for me. Catch me on the right day and it’s my favorite of his ouvre.

Bill declares Travolta to be “the best movie dancer ever” and it goes totally unchallenged. I realize that his response to a Gene Kelly rejoinder would only annoy me, but c’mon.

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See also: Bill acting like the award for best Mexican standoff ever in a movie is just a debate among Tarantino movies. Tarantino himself refers to the standoff in The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly as the best moment ever in cinema. Based on that, he was surely just doing his best to draw on that inspiration. And to his credit, he did it extremely well. But I agree with him that GBU was the peak. Of course, it happened before 1970 and this is Bill Simmons, so…


New episode is Dodgeball. No Bill, no regulars. I’ll pass.

Let me let everyone in on a secret: this is not a good movie. Better than Along Came Polly I guess, but yeah. I realize I’m in the minority.

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I’m with you. I tried to watch it and thought it was just stupid.

Having Vince Vaughn be a one-dimensional protagonist and giving Ben Stiller all the opportunities to be broad and funny is just a poor decision. I like Stiller, but he is not on the funny level of Vince Vaughn. I haven’t seen a comedy where Vaughn was less funny than Dodgeball.

(Yes I am including The Breakup in that calculus and it doesn’t change my mind even a little, Vince has some funny shit in that movie.)

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Nah Dodgeball is good and Vince is hilarious in it.

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No doubt the movie has its ardent fans. I hope you’ll also check out the Rewatchables episode and let us know if you like that too.

I cant hate on a movie that has Gary Cole and Jason Bateman kill it in every single scene they are in

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Pulp Fiction part 1 was great. Onward to episode two and the heralded explanation behind the single character movie poster.

I like the behind the scenes stories about the casting. Some real what if scenarios if anyone else had played Vincent and Jules.

Grand Budapest Hotel coming up this week. Apparently no Bill, but it’s a Sean/CR/Andy Greenwald panel.

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Booooooooo I don’t even want to listen to this one.

What? I thought you watched the movie and liked it.

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It was okay. I’m just not hot on Wes Anderson.

But, but…this is pretty effusive!

Anyway, I know what it is to sour on a movie after having a more positive reaction at first, so I suppose I get it. I love this movie.

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Sounds like I should watch it again… :smiley:

I judge my love for a movie a lot by whether I want to relive or rewatch it. I remember it being good enough for one viewing and helping me understand why people love Wes. But I wouldn’t want to watch it again and don’t think I’d enjoy reliving it through a podcast commentary.