Unstuckables Rewatchables (a movie game)

Yeah it’s decent. The climax seemed…weird

If you’re talking about the last five minutes, I totally agree. Pretty dumb. The climax of the sequence before that worked well I thought.

I see that CR logged this one in the past on Letterboxd as a 2.5-star movie. Fennessey just logged it the other day at 3.5. So I’m gonna read the tea leaves and guess that it’s a Bill/Sean/Mal panel this week since Costner has a relatively salacious sex scene in it.

I counter with the scene that everyone thinks of when they think of this movie, probably one of the finest moments in film history.

Those are people who hate the movie - or in some cases haven’t watched the movie - and just think that’s funny. To be clear, I think it’s funny too. But it’s a gag in a movie that offers more.

How have I never heard of this? Looks like a hidden gem.

It’s worth a watch, I’ll say that.


Dammit Bill. I don’t know why he’s so drawn to concealing the movie’s name.

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Anyway, I’ll go on record and guess that this is Pulp Fiction. Unless they’re being cute with the hint, that would fall under “you’ve seen the movie.” He did say at the end of the last episode that Sean and CR would be back for the next episode, but unfortunately neither of them has posted any Letterboxd activity that gives away the game.

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I was thinking he must enjoy people in the replies trying to guess which movie, but there’s a shocking amount of people shitting on him for being coy lol

I thank those people for their service and hope that he keeps this as a one-off.

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Circle gets the square.


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You called it. Should be a good episode regardless of their takes.

Part one alone is two hours. There’s feasting to be done. Given how many Redditors somehow take Bill’s threats to end this podcast seriously, his stone face in this clip is great.


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Before I get to this part in the pod: I’m counting on Sean or CR to give the Butch’s girlfriend award to QT’s acting. Clearly the weak link of Pulp Fiction. No chance QT the director would hire QT the actor if they weren’t the same person.

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Aw really? He’s done some stinkers, but I like him waxing coffee connoisseur. This is some serious gourmet shit.

I don’t think I’ve heard a line delivery from him that I’ve liked. “Mr. Brown, that’s kinda like Mr. Shit” from Reservoir Dogs comes to mind. Every line reading is so awkward.

(I still like him better as an actor than Sofia Coppola obviously.)

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I wonder if the made it today if they could do with him dropping all of those N-bombs.

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What do you think was his worst? My money is on Django.

Django’s been a while for me. I’m not sure I have a clear worst. The Reservoir Dogs thing wasn’t that big of a deal because Mr. Brown barely has a part; that was closer to a Hitchcock cameo than a real role. Pulp is more annoying to me because it’s nearly perfect and then he plops his way on in.

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